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Google Serves AI Slop as Top Result for One of the Most Famous Paintings in History

404 Media: “The first thing people saw when they searched Google for the artist Hieronymus Bosch was an AI-generated version of his Garden of Earthly Delights, one of the most famous paintings in art history. Depending on what they are searching for, Google Search sometimes serves users a series of images above the list of links they usually see in results. As first spotted by a user on Twitter, when people searched for “Hieronymus Bosch” on Google, it included a couple of images from the real painting, but the first and largest image they saw was an AI-generated version of it. I was able to confirm that Google Search was serving this AI-generated image to users yesterday, but Google removed it from search results at some point last night. Google acknowledged my request for comment but did not respond in time for publication.  Google was pulling the image from the personal website of Andrea Concas, who according to his Linkedin is an “Art Tech Entrepreneur” and the founder of an “NFT Magazine to be read and collected on Ethereum.” The AI-generated image was specifically being pulled by this AI-generated slop blog in Italian about Bosch, which reads like an LLM summation of the artist’s Wikipedia article. Concas’s site includes dozens of AI-generated articles, each with an AI-generated image…”

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