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Disclosure and Transparency of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content in Political Advertisements “In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission or FCC) initiates a proceeding to provide greater transparency regarding the use of artificial intelligence-generated content in political advertising. Specifically, the Commission proposes to require radio and television broadcast stations; cable operators, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) providers, and Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) licensees engaged in origination programming; and permit holders transmitting programming pursuant to section 325(c) of the Communications Act of 1934 (Act), to provide an on-air announcement for all political ads (including both candidate ads and issue ads) that contain artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content disclosing the use of such content in the ad. The Commission also propose to require these licensees and regulatees to include a notice in their online political files for all political ads that include AI-generated content disclosing that the ad contains such content.”

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