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Yale Library – Objects from 200-plus collections are new online

“April 1 through June 30 of this year, more than 8,500 new object landing pages were created. These pages contain 30,000-plus images of individual items, including handwritten letters, manuscripts, photographs, maps, and more. The Lewis Walpole Library alone added digital images for more than 2,000 items, including objects from the British Theatrical and Literary Prints collection, a bound collection of playbills, and a watercolor drawing and woodcut print of a dagger that Horace Walpole believed once belonged to Henry VIII. In an ongoing effort to move all materials from FindIt, the library’s legacy digital library, to a more-modern, cutting-edge digital environment, more than 6,000 objects from the Yale Papyrus Collection were migrated to Digital Collections. The papyri—in Greek, Latin, Demotic, Coptic, and Arabic—include private correspondence, official and religious documents, legal deeds and contracts, biblical texts, and literary works.”

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