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Stay Safe From Wildfires When Seconds Count

Watch Duty, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, alerts you of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time. Real-time Wildfire Map & Alerts. Receive notifications about the status and conditions on the ground as they change.

  • Monitor Wildfires and Prescribed Burns. Know if that smoke in the distance is a fire you need to be worried about.
  • Flight Tracker – Members – Monitor firefighting aircraft flight paths in real-time.
  • Air Quality & Wind Direction – See everything that impacts fires in one place.
  • Track Active Fire Perimeters – Using satellite imagery and other official sources you can easily track and monitor the progress of a fire.
  • Evacuation Orders & Shelters – Find clear and concise evacuation notices as well as shelters for people and animals all in one place.
  • Submit Photos – Help first responders and loved ones by sharing photos of fire conditions and other hazards for the world to see.
  • Watching Over Thirteen States Watch Duty is a service, not an app, powered by over 100 volunteers – firefighters, dispatchers, and first responders – who diligently monitor radio scanners and other official sources 24 hours a day to send you the most up-to-date information.
  • How it works

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