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Greedflation Report

“U.S. Sen. Bob Casey released his latest “greedflation” report on Wednesday, and this time it takes aim at popular streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and more. This time, Casey is highlighting what he calls “streamflation,” which happens when streaming platforms hike their profits by charging higher prices, despite offering less content and fewer services. Millions of American families who pay for at least one streaming service for their favorite music, shows, or movies are noticing a concerning trend. Their favorite shows and movies are leaving platforms at the end of the month. Advertisements are played more frequently. Password sharing is more restricted between family members and loved ones. All while the prices are going up or platforms are moving to tiered memberships that have families paying more for less. Over the past year, Senator Casey has investigated the burdens that rising costs place on American families, especially the concept of greedflation, a practice where corporations increase prices and their profits, using inflation as a cover for their actions. Even as inflation has fallen, families are still feeling squeezed because the costs of many everyday household items and groceries remain high. Corporations are also getting creative in their profit-making practices by engaging in shrinkflation, or decreasing size while charging the same or more for their product…” [h/t Pete Weiss]

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