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GenAI Is Rapidly Making Its Way Into Law Schools

Artificial Lawyer: “A study by the ABA of US law schools has found that genAI is rapidly making its way onto campus and changing multiple aspects of legal education. For starters, 55% of responding law schools reported now offering classes specifically designed to teach students about AI. Courses range from practical applications such as Legal Problem Solving, to foundational classes such as Artificial Intelligence and the Law. Specialised offerings also delve into AI’s implications in particular sectors, such as AI in the Workplace and AI & Innovation Policy, the study found. Even if law schools were not offering special classes, a substantial majority (83%) of responding law schools now offer students classes or curricular opportunities, such as clinics, where they can learn how to use and not merely learn about AI, the survey report added. In tandem, a growing number of law schools emphasise hands-on learning with AI, such as in simulation-based classes, or via new types of clinics (e.g., Vanderbilt AI Law Lab, Suffolk Law’s Legal Innovation and Technology Lab), and workshops. Examples of law schools with labs can also see students learn how to use AI to better serve the public (e.g. by assisting court systems and legal aid organisations). A majority are also considering how they may need to change their mainstream legal courses because of AI. For example, there’s a trend towards integrating AI tools and concepts throughout the curriculum, especially within skills courses, legal writing, legal research, and professional responsibility courses, the study said…”

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