Artificial Lawyer – “A new survey of over 1,000 university students found that 92% had used AI tools in their studies. Their reasons for using genAI both mirrors lawyers – and tells us what the future looks like for the legal sector. Why does this show us what’s coming? For the simple reason that the students of today are the lawyers and clients of tomorrow. If they have become – it would appear – very comfortable with using AI tools for ‘knowledge work’, (and what is study but knowledge work) – then this will have a downstream impact as these young people enter the workforce. It also suggests that law firms may face staff retention issues, or perhaps even initial hiring barriers, if they are not incorporating AI into their work flows. This was seen in a recent LexisNexis survey, which found that ‘failure to embrace AI’ could lead to 11% considering leaving, which rose to 19% at larger law firms, while 36% at larger law firms believed a lack of AI tools may harm their career progression. See AL article here.”
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