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Daily Archives: August 13, 2024

Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American. How to protect yourself

LA Times via Yahoo: “…Data breaches have been so common over the years, some security experts say sensitive information about you is almost certainly available in the dark corners of the internet. And there are a lot of people capable of finding it; VPNRanks, a website that rates virtual private network services, estimates that 5 million people a day will access the dark web through the anonymizing TOR browser, although only a portion of them will be up to no good. If you suspect that your Social Security number or other important identifying information about you has been leaked, experts say you should put a freeze on your credit files at the three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. You can do so for free, and it will prevent criminals from taking out loans, signing up for credit cards and opening financial accounts under your name. The catch is that you’ll need to remember to lift the freeze temporarily if you are obtaining or applying for something that requires a credit check. Placing a freeze can be done online or by phone, working with each credit bureau individually. PIRG cautions never to do so in response to an unsolicited email or text purporting to be from one of the credit agencies — such a message is probably the work of a scammer trying to dupe you into revealing sensitive personal information.

  • For more details, check out PIRG’s step-by-step guide to credit freezes.
  • You can also sign up for a service that monitors your accounts and the dark web to guard against identity theft, typically for a fee. If your data is exposed in a breach, the company whose network was breached will often provide one of these services for free for a year or more.
  • As important as these steps are to stop people from opening new accounts in your name, they aren’t much help protecting your existing accounts. Oddly enough, those accounts are especially vulnerable to identity thieves if you haven’t signed up for online access to them, Murray said — that’s because it’s easier for thieves to create a login and password while pretending to be you than it is for them to crack your existing login and password…”

Study finds 94% of business spreadsheets have critical errors – A recent study published in the journal Frontiers of Computer Science “reveals that 94% of spreadsheets used in business decision-making contain errors, highlighting significant risks of financial and operational mistakes. reports: Errors in spreadsheets can lead to poor decisions, resulting in financial losses, pricing mistakes, and operational problems in fields like health… Continue Reading

Groundbreaking Agreement Provides Libraries with Permanent Ownership Rights Over Tens of Thousands of Digital Titles

Digital Public Library of America and Independent Publishers Group have partnered to rewrite the future of providing ebooks to benefit libraries, authors and readers alike. Chicago, August 13, 2024 – The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and Independent Publishers Group (IPG) have announced a groundbreaking agreement that will transform how American libraries provide access… Continue Reading

FTC Outlines Remedy Concerns in Amicus Brief After Jury Finds Google Illegally Monopolized App Store

“The Federal Trade Commission filed an amicus brief in a case brought by online video game maker Epic Games Inc. against Google LLC’s app store, which outlines how the court should consider potential remedies when determining effective relief to restore competition after Google was found liable for illegal monopolization. The FTC filed its amicus brief… Continue Reading

Texas AG Sues GM for Unlaw­ful­ly Col­lect­ing Dri­vers’ Pri­vate Data and Sell­ing It To Sev­er­al Com­pa­nies, Includ­ing Insur­ance Companies

“Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued General Motors for its false, deceptive, and misleading business practices related to its unlawful collection and sale of over 1.5 million Texans’ private driving data to insurance companies without their knowledge or consent. This action follows Attorney General Paxton’s June 2024 announcement that he opened an investigation into several car… Continue Reading

Washing clothes with synthetic materials is the single greatest contributor to ocean microplastics

Washington Post – Sustainability experts say to avoid fabrics that blend natural and synthetic materials. [unpatwalled] “…Compared to 100% natural fibers or other biodegradable materials such as viscose, or rayon, which is made from a wood-like fiber, blended synthetic fabrics can be more durable and withstand more stress. They can also feel softer and smoother,… Continue Reading

US government wants to make it easier for you to click the ‘unsubscribe’ button

“Today, President Biden and Vice President Harris are launching “Time Is Money,” a new governmentwide effort to crack down on all the ways that corporations—through excessive paperwork, hold times, and general aggravation—add unnecessary headaches and hassles to people’s days and degrade their quality of life. Americans are tired of being played for suckers, and President… Continue Reading

Figures and insights from Harvard Undergraduate Survey on Generative AI

Harvard Undergraduate Survey on Generative AI – Shikoh Hirabayashi, Rishab Jain, Nikola Jurković, Gabriel Wu. “How has generative AI impacted the experiences of college students? We study the influence of AI on the study habits, class choices, and career prospects of Harvard undergraduates (n=326), finding that almost 90% of students use generative AI. For roughly… Continue Reading

Flipboard users can now follow anyone in the fediverse

TechCrunch: “Starting today, users of the social magazine app Flipboard can follow any federated accounts, meaning those that participate in the social network of interconnected servers known as the fediverse..this now includes Threads accounts in addition to Mastodon accounts and others. With the update, which deepens Flipboard’s connection with the ActivityPub social graph, any Flipboard… Continue Reading