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Daily Archives: August 1, 2024

Microsoft Dynamics 365 called out for ‘worker surveillance’

The Register: “Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides “field service management” that allows customers to monitor mobile service workers through smartphone apps – allegedly to the detriment of their autonomy and dignity. According to a probe by Cracked Labs – an Austrian nonprofit research group – the software is part of a broader set of applications that disempowers workers through algorithmic management. The case study [PDF] summarizes how employers in Europe actually use software and smartphone apps to oversee field technicians, home workers, and cleaning staff. It’s part of a larger ongoing project helmed by the group called “Surveillance and Digital Control at Work,” which includes contributions from AlgorithmWatch; Jeremias Adams-Prassl, professor of law at the University of Oxford; and trade unions UNI Europa and GPA. Mobile maintenance workers used to have a substantial amount of autonomy when they were equipped with basic mobile phones, the study notes, but smartphones have allowed employers to track what mobile workers do, when they do it, where they are, and gather many other data points. The effect of this monitoring, the report argues, means diminished worker discretion, autonomy, and sense of purpose due to task-based micromanagement. The shift has also accelerated and intensified work stress, with little respect to workers’ capabilities, differences in lifestyle, and job practice..”

See also Spyware turned this Kansas high school into a ‘red zone’ of dystopian surveillance

Climate and health data website launched

“A new website of data resources, tools, and training materials that can aid researchers in studying the consequences of climate change on the health of communities nationwide is now available. At the end of July, NIEHS launched the Climate and Health Outcomes Research Data Systems (CHORDS) website, which includes a catalog of environmental and health… Continue Reading

To preserve their work and drafts of history journalists take archiving into their own hands

NiemanLabs – From loading up the Wayback Machine to meticulous AirTables to 72 hours of scraping, journalists are doing whatever they can to keep their clips when websites go dark: “When news sites shut down, those sites’ owners often don’t prioritize the preservation of the content. MTV pulled down MTV News in June. After Deadspin… Continue Reading

Report of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy 2024

Congress established the Commission on the National Defense Strategy by statute to examine and make recommendations with respect to the National Defense Strategy. As part of the Commission’s role, it conducted a review of the “assumptions, strategic objectives, priority missions, major investments in defense capabilities, force posture and structure, operational concepts, and strategic and military… Continue Reading

The EU’s AI Act is now in effect

Quartz: Here’s what you need to know – “The AI Act is the first major AI law in the world, and was given the final green light by the bloc’s member states, lawmakers, and executive body, the European Commission, in May. The law harmonizes rules on AI use and development across the EU’s single market.… Continue Reading

Copyright Office Releases Part 1 of Artificial Intelligence Report, Recommends Federal Digital Replica Law

Copyright Office Releases Part 1 of Artificial Intelligence Report, Recommends Federal Digital Replica Law -Issue No. 1048 – July 31, 2024 – Today, the U.S. Copyright Office is releasing Part 1 of its Report on the legal and policy issues related to copyright and artificial intelligence (AI), addressing the topic of digital replicas. This Part… Continue Reading

Snow Belt to Sun Belt Migration: End of an Era?

Leduc, Sylvain, and Daniel J. Wilson. 2024. “Snow Belt to Sun Belt Migration: End of an Era?” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper July 18, 2024-21. -“Internal migration has been cited as a key channel by which societies will adapt to climate change. We show in this paper that this process has… Continue Reading

4,000+ Free Movies Online

4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns, Documentaries & More – Watch 4,000+ movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. The collection is divided into the following categories: Comedy & Drama; Film Noir, Horror & Hitchcock; Westerns (many with… Continue Reading

Laid-off California tech workers are sick to death of LinkedIn

SFGate – Tech workers hate the Bay Area company’s site. But more than ever, they need it: “…Over the past few years, folks online have repeatedly called the platform a “cesspool,” whether in a viral TikTok video’s caption, a popular Reddit post or even on LinkedIn itself. (In fact, “cesspool” has swung into fashion as… Continue Reading