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Monthly Archives: July 2022

FCC Probes Mobile Carriers on Data Privacy Practices

“Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel wrote [July 19, 2022] to the top 15 mobile providers requesting information about their data retention and data privacy policies and general practices. In the letters of inquiry, Chairwoman Rosenworcel asks about their policies around geolocation data, such as how long geolocation data is retained and why and what… Continue Reading

The C-Suite Skills That Matter Most

Harvard Business Review: “For a long time, whenever companies wanted to hire a CEO or another key executive, they knew what to look for: somebody with technical expertise, superior administrative skills, and a track record of successfully managing financial resources. When courting outside candidates to fill those roles, they often favored executives from companies such… Continue Reading

Beloved monarch butterflies now listed as endangered

AP: “The monarch butterfly fluttered a step closer to extinction Thursday [July 21, 2022], as scientists put the iconic orange-and-black insect on the endangered list because of its fast dwindling numbers. “It’s just a devastating decline,” said Stuart Pimm, an ecologist at Duke University who was not involved in the new listing. “This is one… Continue Reading

Corporate greenwashing is getting harder to spot—here’s how to do it

Quartz: “We looked at different ways in which businesses are using greenwashing, from fairly simple imaging tactics that have been around for years, to more novel and sophisticated manipulation of investment products and corporate data. The following is a taxonomy of greenwashing, with tips on how to spot it—and how, with a little bit of… Continue Reading

BA.5 Is Causing Almost 80% of COVID Cases. Here’s Everything We Know

CNET: “A lot of people are getting sick with COVID-19 right now, including US President Joe Biden, who tested positive Thursday as COVID cases and hospitalizations are on the rise across the United States. Official counts of cases are also likely to be big underestimations because of the high number of positive results from at-home tests, which… Continue Reading

South Carolina bill outlaws websites that tell how to get an abortion

Washington Post: “Shortly after the Supreme Court ruling that overturned the right to abortion in June, South Carolina state senators introduced legislation that would make it illegal to “aid, abet or conspire with someone” to obtain an abortion. The bill aims to block more than abortion: Provisions would outlaw providing information over the internet or… Continue Reading

Hard-Wired for Distractions: Increasing Attention in Legal Research Classrooms

Drake, Alyson and Park, Christine, Hard-Wired for Distractions: Increasing Attention in Legal Research Classrooms (June 24, 2022). Available at SSRN: or “Legal research instructors often comment on how they demonstrated a skill or discussed a concept in class, only to have their students seemingly not remember it a few minutes later. Many times,… Continue Reading

The World Is Burning Once Again

The Atlantic – Climate change predictions for 2050 arrived way earlier – in 2022: “In September 2020, the United Kingdom’s Meteorological Office published a hypothetical weather forecast for a mid-July day in the year 2050. Forty degrees Celsius in London. (That’s 104 degrees Fahrenheit.) Thirty-eight in Hull (100 degrees F). Thirty-nine in Birmingham (102 degrees… Continue Reading

Congress Might Pass an Actually Good Privacy Bill

Wired: “Usually, when Congress is working on major tech legislation, the inboxes of tech reporters get flooded with PR emails from politicians and nonprofits either denouncing or trumpeting the proposed statute. Not so with the American Data Privacy and Protection Act. A first draft of the bill seemed to pop up out of nowhere in… Continue Reading

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

CRS Report – Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), July 20, 2022 [24 pages]: “Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become popular as unique and non-interchangeable units of data that signify ownership of associated digital items, such as images, music, or videos. Token “ownership” is recorded and tracked on a blockchain (a digital database that records data on a decentralized… Continue Reading

LinkedIn Still Number One Brand to be Faked in Phishing Attempts

Check Point: “Our Q2 2022 Brand Phishing Report highlights the brands that were most frequently imitated by cybercriminals in their attempts to steal individuals’ personal information or payment credentials over the quarter. In April, May, and June we observed that the social media platform LinkedIn continued its reign as the most imitated brand after entering… Continue Reading

Disability at Home

“This website documents the ingenuity and creativity that caregivers and disabled people, including those with chronic illnesses, use every day to make home accessible. These images were shared with me during research for my upcoming book about disability and care. I spoke with 44 couples in 22 states about their daily lives. But because research… Continue Reading