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Monthly Archives: June 2022

The impact of technology on finance: A new eBook

VOXEU CEPR: “Recent cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as the expansion of FinTech and BigTech companies into finance, have accelerated the digitalisation of financial services. The fourth report [Download Technology and Finance, the 4th Future of Banking report, here. Darrell Duffie, Thierry Foucault, Laura Veldkamp, Xavier Vives 27 May… Continue Reading

Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

Senator Chris Murphy: “Following agreement between U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) on legislative text that will allow the Senate to vote to end a three decades long logjam on gun safety legislation, Murphy released the following statement: “For decades, the anti-gun violence movement has been… Continue Reading

OCLC Files Suit Against Clarivate for Using Its WorldCat Cataloging for a New Service

Information Today NewsBreaks:  “On June 13, 2022, OCLC filed suit against Clarivate PLC and its subsidiaries, Clarivate Analytics (US) LLP, Ex Libris, and ProQuest in the United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio. Claims in the suit include tortious interference with contracts and prospective business relationships and conspiracy to interfere with contracts and business… Continue Reading

New Animal Law Research Guide From the University of Toronto’s Bora Laskin Law Library

SLAW – “The University of Toronto Bora Laskin Law Library, in partnership with Professor Angela Fernandez and Animal Law Research Associate Sam Skinner, is proud to announce the launch of the Animal Law Research Guide, a resource for those researching Canadian animal law. The Animal Law Research Guide seeks to provide a collection of secondary… Continue Reading

Are blockchains decentralized? Unintended Centralities in Distributed Ledgers

A new Trail of Bits research report examines unintended centralities in distributed ledgers – “Blockchains can help push the boundaries of current technology in useful ways. However, to make good risk decisions involving exciting and innovative technologies, people need demonstrable facts that are arrived at through reproducible methods and open data. We believe the risks… Continue Reading

Study – Google search results for abortion services are leading users to ‘fake clinics’

Inside Daily Brief: “Congressional Democrats have sent a letter to Google encouraging the search engine to improve its results for users seeking abortions. The letter follows a study from the Center for Countering Digital Hate which found that 11% of abortion searches in states with “trigger laws” – states which will automatically ban abortion if the… Continue Reading

Ok, Zoomer: Teaching Legal Research to Gen Z

Schlinck, Olivia, Ok, Zoomer: Teaching Legal Research to Gen Z (June 14, 2022). Cardozo Legal Studies Research Paper No. 684, Available at SSRN: “Generation Z has entered law school. With each new generation comes new education preferences. While research on Gen Z in the legal academy has grown over the past few years, to… Continue Reading

Compiling Congressional Districts

Via Center for Data Innovation – Grossmann, M., Lucas, C., McCrain, J, & Ostrander, I. (2022). CongressData. East Lansing, MI: Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR) – “Researchers at Michigan State University have created a dataset tracking the history of U.S. congressional districts. The dataset consists of congressional districts from 1789 to 2021… Continue Reading

How to Future

Via LLRX – How to Future – Kevin Kelly, is a Web Maverick and by his own definition, a futurist. This discipline is comprised of really keen historians who study the past to see the future. They look carefully at the past because most of what will happen tomorrow is already happening today. In addition, most… Continue Reading