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Monthly Archives: June 2021

On social media, Gen Z and Millennial adults interact more with climate change content than older generations

“Gen Z and Millennial social media users are more likely than older generations online to engage with climate change content on social media and to express a range of emotions when they see climate-related content there – including anxiety about the future and anger that not enough is being done, according to a new Pew… Continue Reading

Client Portals: A Must-Have Service for Today’s Law Firms

Attorney at Work – By Jim Calloway. “Beyond secure document sharing, client portals for law firms can serve as a “virtual lobby” for clients and potential clients. With businesses and individuals now managing most of their documents digitally, a fundamental question for lawyers going forward is: How do you securely share documents with your clients?… Continue Reading

Have we reached peak ransomware?

ZDNet – “How the internet’s biggest security problem has grown and what happens next. A string of high-profile cyberattacks has made ransomware an impossible issue to ignore – in fact, even world leaders are talking about it. Will this be enough to make cyber criminals think twice? Ransomware has become such a significant problem that… Continue Reading

UN – Australia’s Great Barrier Reef should be listed as ‘in danger’

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, June 21 2021: “This document, Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural World Heritage, contains information on the state of conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. The World Heritage Committee is requested to review the reports on the state of conservation of properties… Continue Reading

Realtime Climate

“Climate Central launched this tool to help meteorologists and journalists cover connections between weather, news, and climate in real time, and to alert public and private organizations and individuals about particular local conditions related to climate change, its impacts, or its solutions. Realtime Climate monitors local weather and events across the U.S. and generates alerts when certain… Continue Reading

Citation Stickiness, Computer-Assisted Legal Research, and the Universe of Thinkable Thoughts

Kirschenfeld, Aaron and Chew, Alexa, Citation Stickiness, Computer-Assisted Legal Research, and the Universe of Thinkable Thoughts (April 19, 2021). Available at SSRN: “Legal information has been available in widespread digital format for more than forty years. In that time, law librarians have wondered whether this digital switch has changed how law students and lawyers… Continue Reading