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Monthly Archives: April 2019

Mueller Report Censorship Raises Question: What’s the Government Hiding?

Follow up to ongoing updates via this beSpacific posting – Guides to the Redacted Mueller Report – Release is April 18, 2019 – see also via National Security Archive – Mueller Report Censorship Raises Question: What’s the Government Hiding? Documents Show It’s an Art Not a Science – Vast Over-classification. “The National Security Archive has published hundreds… Continue Reading

Mapping Gothic France

“The Mapping Gothic France project was initiated by Stephen Murray, Professor of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University and Andrew Tallon, Assistant Professor of Art at Vassar College and funded through the generosity of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Mapping Gothic France was developed within the framework of collaboration between the Media Center for… Continue Reading

The Rise of Risk Management in Financial Institutions – Diminution of Legal Function

Business Law Today – The Rise of Risk Management in Financial Institutions and a Potential Unintended Consequence – The Diminution of the Legal Function By: Thomas C. Baxter, Jr.  April 2, 2019 – “After the global financial crisis, a highly respected group of financial supervisors from the industrialized world convened to consider what might have caused… Continue Reading

Report On The Investigation on Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election

U.S. Department of Justice has released the 448 redacted (searchable) report in PDF – Report On the Investigation into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, Vols I and II March 2019. Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III. Submitted Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Sec 600.8(c). Please see this link for a screen shot of text… Continue Reading

Guides to the Redacted Mueller Report – Release is April 18, 2019

Thread by @SethAbramson: “(MUELLER REPORT LIVE THREAD) This thread chronicles—in real time—the release of the Mueller Report, with news and analysis from a @Newsweek columnist and @NYTimes bestselling author (Proof of Collusion)” NOTE – There are 953 redacted sections in the 448 pages of the report. Splinter – The Juiciest Bits From the Mueller… Continue Reading

Knowledge Organization Systems

Hanging Together: “That was the topic discussed recently by OCLC Research Library Partners metadata managers, initiated by Daniel Lovins of Yale and Stephen Hearn of the University of Minnesota. As controlled vocabularies and thesauri are converted into linked open data and shared publicly, they often separate from their traditional role of facilitating collection browsing and… Continue Reading

Women in Congress 1917-2019: Service Dates and Committee Assignments by Member, and Lists by State and Congress – Women in Congress, 1917-2019: Service Dates and Committee Assignments by Member, and Lists by State and Congress, April 9, 2019. “In total 365 women have been elected or appointed to Congress, 247 Democrats and 118 Republicans. These figures include six nonvoting Delegates, one each from Guam, Hawaii, the District of Columbia, and American… Continue Reading

Scientists propose bird conservation plan based on eBird data

Cornell Chronicle – “A blueprint for conserving enough habitat to protect the populations of almost one-third of the warblers, orioles, tanagers and other birds that migrate among the Americas throughout the year is detailed in research published April 15 in Nature Communications. An international team of scientists used eBird, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s global citizen science database,… Continue Reading

Cognitive scientist explains why humans are so susceptible to fake news and misinformation

Nieman Lab – “We might like to think of our memory as an archivist that carefully preserves events, but sometimes it’s more like a storyteller.” “How fake news gets into our minds, and what you can do to resist it Although the term itself is not new, fake news presents a growing threat for societies… Continue Reading

Your car is watching you. Who owns the data?

Roll Call – Computers on wheels raise thorny questions about data privacy: “If you’re driving a late model car or truck, chances are that the vehicle is mostly computers on wheels, collecting and wirelessly transmitting vast quantities of data to the car manufacturer not just on vehicle performance but personal information, too, such as your… Continue Reading

The Consumer Protection Ecosystem: Law, Norms, and Technology

Bradley, Christopher G., The Consumer Protection Ecosystem: Law, Norms, and Technology (March 8, 2019). Denver Law Review, Vol. 97, 2019. Available at SSRN: or “Consumer law provokes fierce policy debate on issues from identity theft to online privacy, from arbitration clauses and class action lawsuits to Americans’ accumulation of debt and the unsavory… Continue Reading