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Monthly Archives: September 2017

CRS Reports – Responding to Major Disaster and Considerations Related to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

Congressional Primer on Responding to Major Disasters and Emergencies, updated September 8, 2017 – “While the disaster response and recovery process is fundamentally a relationship between the federal government and the requesting state or tribal government, there are roles for congressional offices. For instance, congressional offices may help provide information to survivors on available federal… Continue Reading

HBS Report – Why Competition in the Politics Industry is Failing America

Why Competition in the Politics Industry is Failing America – A strategy for reinvigorating our democracy, Katherine M. Gehl and Michael E. Porter, Harvard Business School. September 2017. “Many Americans are disgusted and concerned about the dysfunction and abysmal results from Washington, D.C., and so are we. However, this paper is not about adding to… Continue Reading

Constitutional Cost of Fees for Access to Electronic Public Court Records

Schultze, Stephen, The Price of Ignorance: The Constitutional Cost of Fees for Access to Electronic Public Court Records (August 25, 2017). Georgetown Law Journal, Vol. 106, No. 4, 2018. Available at SSRN: “The United States federal judiciary maintains a system called PACER, “Public Access to Court Electronic Records.” PACER is the public gateway into… Continue Reading

Online translation applications may pose security risk

Quartz: “…On Sept. 3, the Norwegian news agency NRK reported that sensitive Statoil information—contracts, workforce reduction plans, dismissal letters, and more—were available online because employees had used the free translation service, which stored the data in the cloud. The news traveled fast in Scandinavian countries. In response, the Oslo Stock Exchange even blocked employee… Continue Reading

CRS – Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response

Via Justice Department’s Role in Cyber Incident Response August 23, 2017 R44926. “Criminals and other malicious actors increasingly rely on the Internet and rapidly evolving technology to further their operations. In cyberspace, criminals can compromise financial assets, hacktivists can flood websites with traffic—effectively shutting them down, and spies can steal intellectual property and government… Continue Reading

The Henry A. Wallace Police Crime Database

“The Henry A. Wallace Police Crime Public Database is a project of Philip M. Stinson, Sr., J.D., Ph.D., and his Police Integrity Research Group. Dr. Stinson is an associate professor of Criminal Justice at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. The database provides summary information that is not otherwise aggregated or publicly available for more… Continue Reading

NYT – How the Kremlin built one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century

RT, Sputnik and Russia’s New Theory of War How the Kremlin built one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century — and why it may be impossible to stop. Jim Rutenberg. September 13, 2017. “…After RT [Russia’s state-financed international cable network] and Sputnik gave platforms to politicians behind the British vote to… Continue Reading

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the U.S.: 2016

“The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that real median household income increased by 3.2 percent between 2015 and 2016, while the official poverty rate decreased 0.8 percentage points. At the same time, the percentage of people without health insurance coverage decreased. Median household income in the United States in 2016 was $59,039, an increase in… Continue Reading

NY Appellate Division, First Dept. to Broadcast Oral Arguments in Real Time

“Presiding Justice Rolando T. Acosta announced that effective Tuesday, September 12, 2017, oral argument of cases before the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Judicial Department will be broadcast live over the internet. The public may watch the webcasts from most internet connected devices, including smart phones and tablet computers, by visiting the… Continue Reading