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Monthly Archives: August 2017

Report to Congress: DATA Act Pilot Program

Report to Congress: DATA Act Pilot Program, Office of Management and Budget, August 10, 2017. “In May 2017, the Administration enabled a new view of Federal spending that for the first time, linked Federal account information to awards. This represents the successful implementation of the centerpiece of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014… Continue Reading

Algorithmic Transparency for the Smart City

Brauneis, Robert and Goodman, Ellen P., Algorithmic Transparency for the Smart City (August 2, 2017). Available at SSRN: “Emerging across many disciplines are questions about algorithmic ethics – about the values embedded in artificial intelligence and big data analytics that increasingly replace human decisionmaking. Many are concerned that an algorithmic society is too opaque… Continue Reading

Get your weather forecast, viewing map, imagery and more for historic August 21 event

NOAA: “While most of America will be looking up on August 21 during the solar eclipse, NOAA’s GOES-16, America’s newest weather satellite, will be looking down at Earth, tracking the moon’s shadow across the United States with its highly sophisticated Advanced Baseline Imager. NOAA plans to publish images of the eclipse from GOES-16 and its other… Continue Reading

EFF – Congress is At Home, So Pay Your Members a Visit

EFF: “It’s August. In the United States, that means members of Congress will be swinging back home to their home districts to check in with their state-side staffers, hit some fundraisers, and maybe host a few public events. You can meet them. Constituents can request meetings with members of Congress while they are home this… Continue Reading

OpenCorporates posts French company registration database

opencorporates blog: “It is thanks to the persistence, effort, and hard-work from open data advocates both inside and outside government that French companies are now available as open data. Since January, France’s Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE) has published the official “SIRENE” company registration database as open data, and after extensive… Continue Reading

NYT – Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language

“We decode the symbols of hate that white supremacists, Nazis and alt-right groups display at their marches, including the violent gathering in Charlottesville, Va….a broad lexicon of far-right terminology…has become important to understanding American politics during the Trump administration. Many of these terms have their roots in movements that are racist, anti-Semitic and sexist. Here… Continue Reading

Privacy and Court Records: Online Access and the Loss of Practical Obscurity

Ardia, David S., Privacy and Court Records: Online Access and the Loss of Practical Obscurity (August 4, 2017). University of Illinois Law Review, Vol. 2017, No. 5, 2017. Available at SSRN: “Court records present a conundrum for privacy advocates. Public access to the courts has long been a fundamental tenant of American democracy, helping… Continue Reading

Partisanship, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

“The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University today released a comprehensive analysis of online media and social media coverage of the 2016 presidential campaign. The report, “Partisanship, Propaganda, and Disinformation: Online Media and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election,” documents how highly partisan right-wing sources helped shape mainstream press coverage and seize… Continue Reading