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Monthly Archives: June 2022

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, June 4, 2022

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, June 4, 2022: Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

The Free Learning List

Published by The School of Thought International, a 501c3 nonprofit and registered Australian Charity organization. The Internet’s Best Education Resources. “We’re attempting something quite ambitious: to save the world from itself by popularizing critical thinking, reason, and understanding.  So far our non-profit’s creative commons resources have reached over 30 million people – so while this… Continue Reading

The Digital Transformation of Law: Are We Prepared for Artificially Intelligent Legal Practice?

Bridgesmith, Larry and Elmessiry, Adel, The Digital Transformation of Law: Are We Prepared for Artificially Intelligent Legal Practice? (2021). Akron Law Review, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2021, Available at SSRN: “We live in an instant access and on-demand world of information sharing. The global pandemic of 2020 accelerated the necessity of remote working and… Continue Reading

Global plastic waste set to almost triple by 2060, says OECD

“The use of plastics is surging and could nearly triple by 2060, Axios’ Erin Doherty reports. The math for 2060, via a new OECD report out today: The buildup of plastics in bodies of water could triple. Plastic leakage to the environment could double. Almost two-thirds of plastic waste will be from short-lived items, including… Continue Reading

Deaths by Firearm, Compared Against Injury-Related Deaths

Flowing Data – “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention track cause of death over time, under several classifications and groupings. Among 1- to 19-year-olds, regulations decreased motor vehicle deaths, but deaths by firearms increased and became the leading mechanism in 2018.” Firearms Are the Leading Injury Mechanism Among 1- to 19-year-olds in the United… Continue Reading

Interactive Map: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Institute for the Study of War: “This interactive map complements the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW daily produces with high-fidelity and, where possible, street level assessments of the war in Ukraine. ISW’s daily campaign assessments of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including our static maps, are available at; you can subscribe to these daily reports… Continue Reading

Datadog finds serverless computing is going mainstream

DataDog: “Serverless has transformed application development by eliminating the need to provision and manage any underlying infrastructure. The current serverless ecosystem has grown more mature, and it now has considerable overlap with the world of container-based technologies. The wide range of available options has led over half of organizations operating in each cloud to adopt… Continue Reading

Webinar: “The Most Improbable War: Legal Transformations in Ukraine and Russia Before and During the Invasion”

In Custodia Legis: Join Us on 6/16 for Our Webinar: “The Most Improbable War: Legal Transformations in Ukraine and Russia Before and During the Invasion” – “This entry in our Foreign and Comparative Law Webinar Series will provide an overview of the historic roots of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It is co-sponsored by the Law Library… Continue Reading

The Race to Hide Your Voice Voice recognition

Wired: “Your voice reveals more about you than you realize. To the human ear, your voice can instantly give away your mood, for example—it’s easy to tell if you’re excited or upset. But machines can learn a lot more: inferring your age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, health conditions, and beyond. Researchers have even been able… Continue Reading

The Supreme Court Is Building Its Own Surveillance State

Wired – Searching clerks’ phones to find out who leaked the Dobbs opinion sets a dangerous precedent of exploiting digital rights. “Following the leak of a draft opinion striking down abortion rights, the Supreme Court’s police force (the Marshal’s Office) launched an unprecedented probe to uncover who leaked the decision. Already, authorities have demanded phone… Continue Reading