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Category Archives: Marketing

LLRX October 2019 New articles and columns

Articles and Columns for October 2019 Blockchain: What Information Professionals Need to Know – Anna Irvin, Ph.D. and Janice E. Henderson, Esq. presented this comprehensive 64 page guide at the LLAGNY Education Committee Program on October 15, 2019. The guide is an multidisciplinary resource that includes: articles from law, business and finance journals, CLE programs/materials,… Continue Reading

Being a Law Firm Partner Was Once a Job for Life. That Culture Is All but Dead [paywall]: “At the modern law firm, not all partners are created equal, and data and billings rule – “Four hundred of Kirkland & Ellis LLP’s top lawyers gathered in May at an oceanfront resort in Southern California to toast another banner year. Kirkland was the highest-grossing law firm in the world for the second… Continue Reading

How Trump Reshaped the Presidency in Over 11,000 Tweets

The New York Times: “When Donald Trump entered office, Twitter was a political tool that had helped get him elected and a digital howitzer that he relished firing. The Times examined how, in the years since, he has fully integrated the social media platform into the very fabric of his administration…Early on, top aides wanted… Continue Reading

Think Like a Client – Understanding what clients want and expect from their lawyers is imperative

Logan Cornett, Inst. for the Advancement of the Am. Legal Sys., Univ. of Denver, Think Like a Client (October 2019 – 32 page PDF), “Understanding what clients want and expect from their lawyers is imperative for the provision of high-quality legal services, as well as for lawyers’ success in the legal profession. Furthermore, there exists a… Continue Reading

D.C. Nonlawyer Partner Rule Spurs Interest as States Mull Change

Via Mary Whisner – Sam Skolnik, D.C. Nonlawyer Partner Rule Spurs Interest as States Mull Change, Bloomberg Law News: “Some law firms in the nation’s capital have incorporated non-legal experts as co-owners, capitalizing on a unique District of Columbia Bar rule modification that could be instructive as changes to the same rule are considered elsewhere.… Continue Reading

New Survey on Technology Use by Law Firms: How Does Your Firm Compare?

Via LLRX – New Survey on Technology Use by Law Firms: How Does Your Firm Compare? – Nicole L. Black recommends firm conduct a technology audit to review the need for software updates, to identify and replace outdated technology and applications, and to plan and implement migrating operations such as document management and time and… Continue Reading

Crawl data analysis of 2 billion links from 90 million domains offer glimpse into today’s web

SearcEngineLand: Data analysis reveals the distribution of PageRank is highly right-skewed meaning the majority of hosts have very low PageRank – “The web is not only essential for people working in digital marketing, but for everyone. We professionals in this field need to understand the big picture of how the web functions for our daily… Continue Reading

New Survey on Technology Use by Law Firms: How Does Your Firm Compare?

Nicole Black – MyCase: “Is your firm due for a software upgrade? If you’re not sure, why not conduct a technology audit? Technology, including legal software, plays a big part in ensuring that your firm runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis. The right tools can make all the difference, and outdated technology can lead to… Continue Reading

College Students Just Want Normal Libraries

The Atlantic – Schools have been on a mission to reinvent campus libraries—even though students just want the basics – “So far, the internet has not killed libraries either. But the percentage of higher-education budgets dedicated to libraries has been dwindling since the 1980s, and at many institutions there’s been a corresponding drop in reported… Continue Reading