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Category Archives: Marketing

Business Continuity and Remote Working Resources For Law Firms

mycase – Nicole Black – “As the weeks pass and it becomes clear that remote working is becoming the new norm, many law firm leaders are beginning to establish business plans that will allow their firms to survive and thrive as we move forward. A successful plan will address both business continuity issues and put… Continue Reading

Economic Resilience for Law Firms: How To Thrive During Challenging Times

mycase – Nicole Black – “Over the past two weeks, the world as we know it has been turned upside down. Schools across the country have closed, many businesses have been forced to shut their doors for the time being, and the vast majority of federal and state court proceedings have been canceled until further notice.… Continue Reading

Zoom Meetings Aren’t End-to-End Encrypted, Despite Misleading Marketing

The Intercept: “Zoom, the video conferencing service whose use has spiked amid the Covid-19 pandemic, claims to implement end-to-end encryption, widely understood as the most private form of internet communication, protecting conversations from all outside parties. In fact, Zoom is using its own definition of the term, one that lets Zoom itself access unencrypted video… Continue Reading

Independent bookstores mount inclusive access lawsuit

Inside Higher Ed – Big textbook publishers and retailers are accused of squashing competition from independent college bookstores – “Inclusive access programs, where students are automatically billed for their course materials, are increasingly big business for leading textbook publishers and college bookstores. But for independent, off-campus bookstores, inclusive access programs could spell a death knell.… Continue Reading

2020 Report on the State of the Legal Market

“The Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession at the Georgetown University Law Center and Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute and Peer Monitor® are pleased to present the 2020 Report on the State of the Legal Market detailing our views of the dominant trends impacting the legal market in 2019 and key issues likely to… Continue Reading

The Decade in Legal Tech: The 10 Most Significant Developments

LawSites – Robert Ambrogi –  “In legal technology, it was a decade of tumult and upheaval, bringing changes that will forever transform the practice of law and the delivery of legal services. Feisty startups took on established behemoths. The cloud dropped rain on legacy products. Mobile tech untethered lawyers. Clients demanded efficiency and transparency. Robots… Continue Reading

KKR investment firm to buy OverDrive, biggest library ebook company

TeleRead – David Rothman – “Toxic for libraries? The KKR investment firm is buying none other than OverDrive—the biggest library ebook company, providing ebooks and audiobooks to 43,000+ libraries and schools in 75 countries. The seller is Rakuten, also owner of the Kobo ereader, audiobook and ebook business. “The two sides did not provide a… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Some Random Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts

Via LLRX – Some Random Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts – Attorney, award winning legal blogger, legal journalist and legal technologist Robert Ambrogi shares his vast knowledge and insights for crafting effective blog postings. Every blogger will benefit from reading and applying his suggestions to improve content, format and overall value to effectively deliver… Continue Reading

Facebook Gives Workers a Chatbot to Appease That Prying Uncle

The New York Times – “Some Facebook employees recently told their managers that they were concerned about answering difficult questions about their workplace from friends and family over the holidays. What if Mom or Dad accused the social network of destroying democracy? Or what if they said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, was collecting their… Continue Reading