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Category Archives: Marketing

Like It Or Not, Law May Open Its Doors To Nonlawyers

Law360 – States across the country are considering changes to attorney regulations, or have made changes, that would open up the legal sector to more participation from nonlawyers. “llinois is poised to launch an official exploration into opening up the legal profession to nonlawyers, in what some say could be a “tipping point” for such efforts to… Continue Reading

Automatic for the People

American Libraries – Are self-service libraries a threat to the profession or an opportunity to better serve patrons? – “Automated and self-service libraries—which have been popular in Europe for years—are gaining a foothold in the US. Will these services eliminate librarian jobs, or are they a cost-effective way to stretch budgets and provide basic services… Continue Reading

Major Telecom Companies Partner With Attorneys General to Implement New Principles to Combat Robocalls “…The principles, announced today by a group attorneys general in partnership with AT&T, Bandwidth, CenturyLink, Charter, Comcast, Consolidated, Frontier, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon, and Windstream, will help service providers incorporate call-blocking technology, monitor their networks for robocall traffic, and cooperate with investigations that trace illegal robocalls…The principles announced today include: Offering free call… Continue Reading

ABA Profile of the Profession 2019 Survey

“The growth of the legal industry has slowed in recent years, according to the 2019 ABA National Lawyer Population Survey, a tally of lawyers by every state bar association and licensing agency.In the past year, from 2018 to 2019, the number of active lawyers grew 0.7%. It was the third time in the past four… Continue Reading

Innovation: A New Key Discipline for Lawyers and Legal Education

DeStefano, Michele, Innovation: A New Key Discipline for Lawyers and Legal Education (June 27, 2019). New Suits: Appetite for Disruption in the Legal World co-curated by Michele DeStefano and Dr. Guenther Dobrauz (Stämpfli Verlag 2019). Available at SSRN: or – “Over the past two years, I have interviewed hundreds of in-house and law… Continue Reading

Big Deal Knowledge Base

Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition – SPARC: “This database puts libraries on a more level playing field with vendors by detailing what thousands of peer institutions have paid for journal subscription packages. Institutions can leverage this pricing data, as well as the other resources on this site, to make clearer assessments about the suitability… Continue Reading

The Radical Transformation of the Textbook

Wired – Digital-first. Open source. Subscription. The way textbooks are bought and sold is changing—with serious implications for higher education: “For several decades, textbook publishers followed the same basic model: Pitch a hefty tome of knowledge to faculty for inclusion in lesson plans; charge students an equally hefty sum; revise and update its content as… Continue Reading

Concerns About Online Data Privacy Span Generations

Internet Innovation Alliance – Are Millennials okay with the collection and use of their data online because they grew up with the internet? “In an effort to help inform policymakers about the views of Americans across generations on internet privacy, the Internet Innovation Alliance, in partnership with Icon Talks, the Hispanic Technology & Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP), and… Continue Reading

This Tool Lets You See Facebook’s Targeted Political Ads All Over the World

Vice – Facebook has failed to be fully transparent with data concerning political advertising, so two researchers collected the data themselves.”A team of two researchers has created the most comprehensive visualization of Facebook’s political advertisements. Detailing hundreds of thousands of ads across 34 countries by more than 150 political actors, is a new tool… Continue Reading