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Daily Archives: September 5, 2023

Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Around the World

The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate – Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Around the World, August 2023: “This report, prepared by the research staff of the Law Library of Congress, provides a list ofjurisdictions in the world where legislation that specifically refers to artificial intelligence (AI) or systems utilizing AI have been adopted or proposed. Researchers of the Law Library surveyedall jurisdictions in their research portfolios to find such legislation, and those encountered have been compiled in the annexed list with citations and brief descriptions of the relevant legislation. Only adopted or proposed instruments that have legal effect are reported for national and subnational jurisdictions and the European Union (EU); guidance or policy documents that have no legal effect are not included for these jurisdictions. Major international organizations have also been surveyed and documents adopted or proposed by these organizations that specifically refer to AI are reported in the list.”

Conservative book ban push fuels library exodus ALA

AP: “After parents in a rural and staunchly conservative Wyoming county joined nationwide pressure on librarians to pull books they considered harmful to youngsters, the local library board obliged with new policies making such books a higher priority for removal — and keeping out of collections. But that’s not all the library board has done.… Continue Reading

Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy

Mozilla Foundation: “Modern cars are a privacy nightmare. Car makers have been bragging about their cars being “computers on wheels” for years to promote their advanced features. However, the conversation about what driving a computer means for its occupants’ privacy hasn’t really caught up. While we worried that our doorbells and watches that connect to… Continue Reading

CBP Tells Airports Its New Facial Recognition Target is 75% of Passengers Leaving the US

404 Media: “Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has told airports it plans to increase its targets for scanning passengers with facial recognition as they leave the U.S., according to an internal airport email obtained by 404 Media. The new goal will be to scan 75 percent of all passengers, the email adds. The news signals… Continue Reading

How to Disable the Focused Inbox on LinkedIn

MakeUseOf: “LinkedIn’s Focused Inbox feature helps you focus on the most relevant messages by separating them from other less important messages. This can help you stay organized and on top of your messages. However, some people prefer to turn off the Focused Inbox as it can sometimes make it difficult to track important conversations. If… Continue Reading

Alarming scale of marine sand dredging laid bare by new data platform

The Guardian: “One million lorries of sand a day are being extracted from the world’s oceans, posing a “significant” threat to marine life and coastal communities facing rising sea levels and storms, according to the first-ever global data platform to monitor the industry. The new data platform, developed by the UN Environment Programme (Unep), tracks… Continue Reading

This Brutal Summer in 10 Alarming Maps and Graphs

Wired: “…As global temperatures rapidly climb, humanity is seeing more and more of the disastrous effects scientists warned us about: fiercer heat waves, more intense wildfires, and heavier rain. The extremes of the past few months are but a preview of the ever-worsening pain we’ll endure if we don’t dramatically reduce carbon emissions. “We have… Continue Reading