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Monthly Archives: February 2021

A.I. Here, There, Everywhere

The New York Times – “Many of us already live with artificial intelligence now, but researchers say interactions with the technology will become increasingly personalized…Many of us already live with A.I., an array of unseen algorithms that control our Internet-connected devices, from smartphones to security cameras and cars that heat the seats before you’ve even… Continue Reading

How Americans Navigated the News in 2020: A Tumultuous Year in Review

Pew Report – Americans inhabited different information environments, with wide gaps in how they viewed the election and COVID-19, February 22, 2021. “Americans are divided – that much is obvious after a contentious presidential election and transition, and in the midst of a politicized pandemic that has prompted a wide range of reactions. But in… Continue Reading

NARA – About the Papers of George Washington

“The Papers of George Washington, launched at the University of Virginia in 1968, is a scholarly documentary editing project that edits, publishes, and publicizes a comprehensive edition of George Washington’s public and private papers. Today there are copies of over 135,000 documents in the project’s document room—one of the richest collections of American historical manuscripts extant. There… Continue Reading

Data protection: European Commission launches process on personal data flows to UK

European Commission – “Today, the Commission launched the process towards the adoption of two adequacy decisions for transfers of personal data to the United Kingdom, one under the General Data Protection Regulation and the other for the Law Enforcement Directive. The publication of the draft decisions is the beginning of a process towards their adoption.… Continue Reading

2021 Big Data and AI Executive Survey

“A Progress Report in the State of Corporate Data Initiatives – BusinessWire – NewVantage Partners, strategic advisors in data-driven business transformation to Fortune 1000 companies and industry leaders, has released the results of its 9th annual survey of senior corporate c-executives on the topics of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) business adoption. The theme… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, February 20, 2021

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, February 20, 2021 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

African Americans in Business and Entrepreneurship: A Resource Guide

Lynn Weinstein Librarian, Business Reference Section at Library of Congress – “African Americans in Business and Entrepreneurship: A Resource Guide – The history of African Americans in business has been shaped by institutional racism as well as inequities in education and opportunity. This guide provides access to a wide variety of primary and secondary sources… Continue Reading

Turkish Garbage Collectors Open a Library from Books Rescued from the Trash

Goodnet – “The Library has over 6,000 fiction and nonfiction books including a children’s’ section. The Library has over 6,000 fiction and nonfiction books including a children’s’ section. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure is absolutely the case in Ankara Turkey where garbage collectors started collecting discarded books and ended up opening a library.… Continue Reading

Welcome to Open Book Publishers

Welcome to Open Book Publishers – “COVID19: during this period we are continuing to publish books that are freely available for everyone to read online, to download and to share. For more information, and freely available resources related to COVID19, please click here. 205 titles published Over 3 million book interactions Library Membership: 190 libraries… Continue Reading

A Trippy Visualization Charts the Internet’s Growth Since 1997

Wired: “In November 2003, security researcher Barrett Lyon was finishing college at California State University, Sacramento while working full time as a penetration tester—a hacker companies hire to find weaknesses in their own digital systems. At the beginning of each job, Lyon would do some basic reconnaissance of the customer’s infrastructure; “case the joint,” as… Continue Reading

Slow Down and Write Better Emails

HBR: “Misunderstandings are rampant in today’s workplaces. While poor communication habits may feel inevitable with colleagues, we should always strive to engage with clarity and empathy, especially as we come to rely more on remote work and digital communication. What is a good first step to improving our habits? Relearning what it means to read… Continue Reading