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Monthly Archives: February 2021

Supreme Court Nominations, 1789 to 2020: Actions by the Senate, the Judiciary Committee, and the President

CRS – Supreme Court Nominations, 1789 to 2020:Actions by the Senate, the Judiciary Committee, and the President, Updated February 23, 2021: “The process of appointing Supreme Court Justices has undergone changes over two centuries, but its most basic feature, the sharing of power between the President and Senate, has remained unchanged. To receive a lifetime… Continue Reading

Side effects, transmission, efficacy: What do we know about the COVID-19 vaccine now?

WHYY – PBS: “Several listeners also had questions about vaccine effectiveness and clinical trial reports. What do companies mean when they say their vaccines are 95% effective? First of all: Effectiveness and efficacy aren’t exactly the same thing. A vaccine’s efficacy tells us how well it worked to prevent disease in people in clinical trials,… Continue Reading

The 5 Trump Amendments to the Constitution

The Atlantic: “…Presidents have been the authors of many informal amendments. George Washington set enduring precedents such as the two-term limit on presidential service (a norm so embedded that after Franklin D. Roosevelt broke it, it was written into the formal Constitution). Andrew Jackson reimagined the president as the direct representative of the people. Abraham… Continue Reading

The Claim Review Project

“ClaimReview is a tagging system that fact-checkers can use to identify their articles for search engines and social media platforms such as Google Search, Google News, Bing, Facebook and YouTube. The platforms then use the tags to promote and highlight fact-check articles. Creating ClaimReview usually takes less than 30 seconds. Fact-checkers enter a few basic… Continue Reading

How to stop your emails from being tracked

The Verge: “All of those obnoxious marketing emails that crowd your inbox aren’t just pushing a product. They’re also tracking whether you’ve opened the email, when you opened it, and where you were at the time by using software like MailChimp to embed tracking software into the message. How does it work? A single tracking… Continue Reading

The Three Permissions: Presidential Removal and the Statutory Limits of Agency Independence

The Three Permissions: Presidential Removal and the Statutory Limits of Agency Independence, 121 Columbia Law Review No.1, January 2021. “Seven words stand between the President and the heads of over a dozen “independent agencies”: inefficiency, neglect of duty, and malfea­sance in office (INM). The President can remove the heads of these agencies for INM and… Continue Reading

How to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine: a State-by-State Guide

WSJ – “The U.S. rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine, managed individually by states instead of by the federal government, has been largely uneven and confusing to many seeking the vaccines. [Select your state to find information about getting vaccinated.] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued recommendations for who should get the vaccines… Continue Reading

AI Can Stop Mass Shootings, and More

Cornell University – arXivLabs – AI Can Stop Mass Shootings, and More, Selmer Bringsjord, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, Michael Giancola, [v1] Fri, 5 Feb 2021 06:55:59 UTC (513 KB). “We propose to build directly upon our longstanding, prior r&d in AI/machine ethics in order to attempt to make real the blue-sky idea of AI that can… Continue Reading