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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Happy National Library Week!

“Here at the Internet Archive, we’re always ready to celebrate the important role that libraries play in our schools, communities, and larger society. This year, however, National Library Week comes during a tumultuous time, when thousands of physical libraries are closed or inaccessible… With schools closing around the world, many students have lost access to… Continue Reading

Tracking How Governments Are Providing Financial Regulatory Relief

April 22, 2020: by Aidan Lawson and Greg Feldberg – “The Yale Program on Financial Stability has produced and will continue to update a spreadsheet to assist those contemplating programs to provide operational regulatory relief to financial institutions. The spreadsheet catalogs historical examples, identifies interesting features, summarizes existing evaluations of programs, and shares general resources… Continue Reading

Legal’s Biggest Challenge With Remote Work Isn’t Tech. It’s Mental Health “A new survey conducted by Loeb Leadership found that from an IT stance, the sudden move to working remotely has gone relatively smoothly for many lawyers. But it’s also created new stresses and demands for soft skills crucial to operating virtually…The “Law Firm’s Adaption to Remote Working” report released last week surveyed 136 lawyers, business… Continue Reading

Covid-19 Arrived in Seattle. Where It Went From There Stunned the Scientists.

The New York Times – Scientists traced the virus brought to the Seattle area in January. They were astonished to learn that the same branch of the virus traveled on through at least a dozen states and to other parts of the world. “As the coronavirus outbreak consumed the city of Wuhan in China, new cases… Continue Reading

Rationing Social Contact During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Benzell, Seth and Collis, Avinash and Nicolaides, Christos, Rationing Social Contact During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmission Risk and Social Benefits of US Locations (April 18, 2020). Available at SSRN: -“To prevent the spread of COVID-19, some types of stores and gathering places have been shut down while others remain open. The decision to shut… Continue Reading

Free online course features COVID-19 insights from Johns Hopkins experts

JHU Hub: “Johns Hopkins University has launched a free online course for the general public about COVID-19 featuring experts from across the university—including those on the front lines of research and treatment—sharing the latest insights and evidence about the disease, its spread, and ways to stay healthy. Published on the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center… Continue Reading

This study on “accidents involving flowers” is the most beautiful thing I’ve read during the pandemic

Vox – “…I saw a new study, published in the journal New Phytologist, about the beautiful, ordinary, and profound things flowers do after suffering an injury. That is: When many flower species get knocked down, they right themselves. The individual flowers on the stalk will rotate back, as best they can, into a position ideal… Continue Reading

Changes in Grocery Shopping Habits During COVID-19

C+R Research: “With social distancing guidelines and shelter-in-place orders being implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the way consumers shop for their groceries has changed. In order to limit contact, many are taking precautions such as ordering groceries through delivery apps or making less trips to the grocery store. From March 27 to March 28,… Continue Reading

European Council Council of EU Roadmap for Recovery

“The European Roadmap towards lifting of COVID-19 containment measures, charting the best way towards lifting the exceptional constraints without causing negative spill-over effects. The situation should be followed closely and there should be as much coordination as possible to meet the challenges ahead of us linked to the lifting of the restrictions, especially with regard to the… Continue Reading