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Category Archives: Transportation

COVID-Lab: Mapping COVID-19 in Your Community

“An interdisciplinary team from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, alongside global experts, are tracking and projecting the COVID-19 epidemic across 384 counties with active outbreaks as it spreads across the United States. Utilizing data from a variety of publicly available sources, the researchers built their model to observe how social distancing, population… Continue Reading

How more lanes and more money equals more congestion

Transportation for America – “In an expensive effort to curb congestion in urban regions, we have overwhelmingly prioritized one strategy: we have spent decades and hundreds of billions of dollars widening and building new highways. We added 30,511 new freeway lane-miles of road in the largest 100 urbanized areas between 1993 and 2017, an increase… Continue Reading

11 ways covid-19 will alter travel

Washington Post – Masks, distance, dividers and price hikes: Industry insiders predict what the lingering impact of the coronavirus could be on the way we travel. “…Despite covid-19 continuing to claim lives, locations around the world are beginning to open again. More travelers are getting on planes. Airlines are reinstating routes. Countries and states have… Continue Reading

How You Can Kill Coronavirus in Your Car Without Damaging Interior Surfaces

Consumer Reports – How You Can Kill Coronavirus in Your Car Without Damaging Interior Surfaces – “As COVID-19 spreads, you’ve probably already learned the proper technique for washing your hands and which household cleaners can destroy a coronavirus. But what about the inside of your car? If you or someone else who has been in your car shows symptoms… Continue Reading

Will COVID-19 Sound The Permanent Death Knell For Public Transit

Forbes: “During the virus crisis, ridership and service in both public transit and taxis (including Uber/Lyft) has fallen off a cliff. Scooter micromobility has plunged, too. People don’t want to get into a vehicle with others, or where unknown others just were. Of course, far few people are travelling. If they have access to a… Continue Reading

C.D.C. Recommends Sweeping Changes to American Offices

The New York Times – Temperature checks, desk shields and no public transit: The guidelines would remake office life. Some may decide it’s easier to keep employees at home. “Upon arriving at work, employees should get a temperature and symptom check. Inside the office, desks should be six feet apart. If that isn’t possible, employers… Continue Reading

America is entering its third great bicycle revival in 150 years thanks to coronavirus

Quartz: “…Thousands of people are getting back on their bikes after an extended hiatus: Appointments to tune up old rides are booked weeks into the future. Bicycle trips on trails across the US rose 57% throughout March and April compared to 2019, according to the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. There are new converts, too. Bikes under $1,000… Continue Reading

Find wheelchair accessible places with Google Maps

Google Blog: “Imagine making plans to go somewhere new, taking the journey to get there and arriving— only to be stuck outside, prevented from sitting with family or being unable to access the restroom. It’s a deeply frustrating experience I’ve had many times since becoming a wheelchair user in 2009. And it’s an experience all… Continue Reading

Thinking of buying a bike? Get ready for a very long wait.

The New York Times – The United States is facing a shortage of bikes as anxiety over public transportation and a desire to exercise has sent the demand surging: “Some bicycle shops in Brooklyn are selling twice as many bikes as usual and drawing blocklong lines of customers. A chain of shops in Phoenix is… Continue Reading