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Category Archives: Marketing

Average time to resolve problems three times higher than customers want

This article is of interest for several reasons – human mediated resolution, customer service and research are increasingly targeted to be replaced by various forms of electronic, robotic and AI applications. So the premise of this article, via ZDNet – A recent AI customer experience study shows that, although businesses have invested in AI solutions,… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Book Review of “Frenemies: The Epic Disruption of the Ad Business (and Everything Else)”

Via LLRX – Book Review of “Frenemies: The Epic Disruption of the Ad Business (and Everything Else)” – Advertising is now part of a complex ecosystem that engages a wide range of components, including but not limited to: social media, Big Data, AI, data mining, competitive intelligence, and marketing. Alan Rothman, reveals and explains for… Continue Reading

Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Access to Your Shadow Contact Information

Gizmodo: “…One of the many ways that ads get in front of your eyeballs on Facebook and Instagram is that the social networking giant lets an advertiser upload a list of phone numbers or email addresses it has on file; it will then put an ad in front of accounts associated with that contact information.… Continue Reading

Digital Deceit II: A Policy Agenda to Fight Disinformation on the Internet

“Digital disinformation poses a grave threat to our democracy and demands a new social contract between consumers and internet companies that is rooted in transparency, privacy and competition, according to a new report co-published by the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and New America, the Washington, D.C.-based… Continue Reading

HBR – Uninformed Consent

Harvard Business Review – Companies want access to more and more of your personal data — from where you are to what’s in your DNA. Can they unlock its value without triggering a privacy backlash? Leslie K. John – Marvin Bower associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School: “…Technology has advanced far beyond… Continue Reading

How Will Legal Education And Training Keep Pace With Change?

Forbes: “Dell Technologies authored a report by 20 tech, business and academic experts projecting 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have yet to be invented. Dell issued a statement that “The pace of change will be so rapid that people will learn ‘in the moment’ using new technologies such as augmented reality and… Continue Reading

Report – Almost half of US cellphone calls will be scams by next year

Cision Newswire: “First Orion, a leading provider of phone call and data transparency solutions, today announced their inaugural 2018 Scam Call Trends and Projections Report, detailing the need for new, adaptive technologies to combat the exponential increase in scam calls. First Orion powers call protection solutions to tens of millions of mobile subscribers in the… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Exploring the global LegalTech ecosystem

Via – Exploring the global LegalTech ecosystem: Fueled by a combination of mushrooming LegalTech startups, an increasing interest from corporate legal departments, law firms looking into LegalTech strategies and most importantly, the legal media, LegalTech has come in the legal industry’s mainstream consciousness. Headline grabbing articles like “Machines are going to replace lawyers” or… Continue Reading

Amazon global headquarters competition yields huge cache of economic data

Axios: “When Amazon invited cities to compete for its second global headquarters a year ago today, it got reams of data from the 238 entrants — enough to learn details of the cities’ future plans that a lot of their residents don’t even know about, Axios’ Erica Pandey reports. Why it matters: The information effectively… Continue Reading

The Art and Science of Lawyering: Law 3.0

Law Technology Today: “..Law 3.0 means using technology and business processes effectively in order to run a scalable and efficient law department or firm. Legal organizations have a well-deserved reputation for using technology and implementing business processes ineffectively at scale. Why? It’s not because lawyers are technologically inept or indifferent to the science of their… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Banks should brace for impact: The Big Techs are coming!

Via LLRX – Banks should brace for impact: The Big Techs are coming! – Data, BI & Analytics expert Siraj Patel discusses the global financial services and products industry in the context of the urgency for existing business models to adapt and innovate in this time of disintermediation, product un-bundling and marketplaces that offer customer… Continue Reading