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Category Archives: Marketing

The Law Firm Chief Innovation Officer: Goals, Roles, and Holes

DeStefano, Michele, The Law Firm Chief Innovation Officer: Goals, Roles, and Holes (November 11, 2018). University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 18-39. Available at SSRN: or “So many lawyers are sick of hearing that they must “innovate or die,” yet their clients call for innovation continues to be loud; and, although… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – The implications of the difference between facts and knowledge

Via – The implications of the difference between facts and knowledge – Using the foundational paper, Facts or Knowledge? A Review of Private Internal Reports of Investigations by Fraud Examiners, Bruce Boyes succinctly identifies the difference between facts and knowledge to clarify why organizations should engage in knowledge management. Continue Reading

Practice Innovations: The Rise of Next Generation CI

“Practice Innovations” is a quarterly, online newsletter that examines best practices and innovations in law firm information and knowledge management with an eye toward better management strategies in the face of a changing legal environment. “The results are in: law firms with highly effective competitive intelligence (CI) functions perform better, over time than their peers,… Continue Reading

Report – world has become more “permissionless” because of the diminished power of traditional gatekeepers

Via Axios – PERMISSIONLESS: What It Means, How It Happened, Will it Last: “While the Internet revolution enabled “permissionless” business models in finance, entertainment & politics, such unregulated disruptors are under growing attack. From the tech sector to the White House, many object to the divisions these new actors exacerbate or the externalities they often… Continue Reading

Top Lawyers Give Props to Their Mentors Journal: How I Learned ‘Basically Everything’: Lawyers Give Props to Their Mentors – “We asked more than a dozen leaders in Big Law, small law, corporate legal departments and academia to tell us about the people who shaped their career.. Every lawyer has to start his or her career somewhere. And in the backstory… Continue Reading

Reports – Law firms are having the best financial-growth year in about a decade

ABA Journal: “Law firms increased revenues this year, posting gains during the first three quarters that are the best in about a decade, according to two new reports. The numbers differed slightly, but the conclusion was the same: 2018 is shaping up to be a good year, thanks to higher billing rates and higher demand… Continue Reading

Amazon’s AbeBooks backs down after booksellers stage global protest

The Guardian: “After almost 600 booksellers withdrew 3.5m books from the secondhand marketplace in support of countries dropped by the website, it apologises for a ‘bad decision’. An “extraordinary and unprecedented” global protest from antiquarian booksellers has forced the Amazon-owned secondhand marketplace AbeBooks to backtrack on its decision to pull out of several countries. AbeBooks… Continue Reading

Expert attorneys command 4 figure hourly billing fees

The Business Journals [paywall]: “Boston-based Ropes & Gray partner Douglas Meal, one of the most sought-after data privacy and cybersecurity attorneys in the country, typically charges $1,550 an hour for his services, according to a recent court filing. The filing offers a rare public glimpse into what some of the attorneys at Boston’s largest law… Continue Reading

Law firms can learn from other industries’ missteps on cybersecurity awareness and prevention

ABA Journal – “Equifax. Yahoo. Anthem. Sony. In the past few years, these companies experienced some of the most significant data breaches to date. And all of these companies found themselves subject to intense worldwide media coverage over their failure to secure their information. The industries affected—from health care to entertainment—know all too well that… Continue Reading