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Category Archives: Marketing

What Happens to Powell’s Books When You Can’t Browse the Aisles?

The New York Times – The enormous independent bookstore in Portland, Ore., became an unlikely tourist attraction. Now that it’s shut, Emily Powell, the chief executive, is having to rethink the books business. “Powell’s Books was selling books online before existed. Over the years, its flagship store grew to occupy a full city block… Continue Reading

How Law Firms Are Responding to COVID-19 [Survey Results]

Via LLRX – How Law Firms Are Responding to COVID-19 [Survey Results] – On an individual level, lawyers and legal professionals are experiencing a mix of productivity challenges in a new and potentially permanently changed legal landscape. Martin Cogburn discusses the top productivity challenges individuals are facing, the tools they’re adopting, and their thoughts on… Continue Reading

Re-Opening Your Law Firm: There’s a Bar Association Guide for That!

Via LLRX – Re-Opening Your Law Firm: There’s a Bar Association Guide for That! – After months of business closures, many states are beginning to slowly allow more essential businesses to open their doors. In most states, law firms will be among the first wave of businesses that are permitted to resume providing services to… Continue Reading

Why COVID-19 Could Shrink Your Lavish BigLaw Office

Law360 (May 18, 2020) – “Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP’s offices soar over Manhattan’s Central Park like a 600,000-square-foot palace within a skyscraper, replete with marble floors, mahogany-paneled walls, paintings and other such stately furnishings. The storied law firm pays $54 million a year for the space. Kirkland & Ellis LLP’s New York office spans… Continue Reading

How Covid-19 Is Changing the Language in Emails – Work emails during the coronavirus pandemic must walk a fine line between being sensitive and oversharing – “When Benjamin Schmerler sends an email, his words speak volumes about the current state of the world. Gone are the exclamation points or occasional emojis. The public-relations firm owner replaces his usual “hope you’re well” with… Continue Reading

Adapting to Remote Law Practice through the Pandemic

Cunningham, Lawrence A., Adapting to Remote Law Practice through the Pandemic: Essays from the GWNY 2020 Business Lawyering Class (April 20, 2020). GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2020-22; GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 2020-22. Available at SSRN: or “The coronavirus pandemic requires law schools to train students in the… Continue Reading

Lawyers say Trump’s name on stimulus checks might be a crime

Washington Post – Is President Trump guilty of a crime because he has his name on the coronavirus relief checks? “While some might excuse that as an example of Trump’s narcissism, a letter from three prominent lawyers, who represent disparate points on the political spectrum, says it is more serious than that. The administration’s action,… Continue Reading

Celebrate the Library’s 220th Birthday with LOC Collections App

“To celebrate the 220th anniversary of its founding, the Library of Congress today announced the release of the LOC Collections app, the premiere mobile app that puts the national library’s digital collections in the hands of users everywhere. In addition to providing an easy, accessible way to search and explore the Library’s growing digital collections,… Continue Reading

Coronavirus: How Law Firms Are Handling The Downturn

Law360 — UPDATED April 21, 2020, 1:30 PM EDT | “The spreading coronavirus pandemic has upended the legal industry, forcing firms to cut salaries, lay off attorneys and make changes to summer associate programs. Here is a roundup of how law firms are responding.  Click firms below for more details. This list will be updated with… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Pushed Legal Toward Tech, Remote Work. There May Be No Going Back – “Remote work and the move toward more workflow automation could be sticking around as firms continue to cut overhead and bolster efficiency in an increasingly competitive market. The end of the COVID-19 pandemic is nowhere in sight yet, but it’s already becoming evident that there could be some lasting repercussions for the legal… Continue Reading

Breaking News: Drafting Client Alerts to Prepare for Practice

Silver, Cecilia, Breaking News: Drafting Client Alerts to Prepare for Practice (February 28, 2020). Vol. 27, No. 2 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing (Fall 2019). Available at SSRN: “Drafting engaging client alerts is a newsworthy addition to the first-year legal writing curriculum. While client alerts fulfill an important marketing function for employers, they… Continue Reading