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Daily Archives: November 15, 2023

Front-Page News: The Effect of News Positioning on Financial Markets

Front-Page News: The Effect of News Positioning on Financial Markets. First published: 01 November 2023 Anastassia Fedyk is at Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.  “This paper estimates the effect of news positioning on the speed of price discovery, using exogenous variation in prominent (“front-page”) positioning of news articles on the Bloomberg terminal. Front-page articles see 240% higher trading volume and 176% larger absolute excess returns during the first 10 minutes after publication than equally important non-front-page articles. Overall, the information in front-page articles is fully incorporated into prices within an hour of publication. The response to non-front-page information of similar importance eventually converges but takes more than two days to be fully reflected in prices.”

Sea Change: How a New Economics Went Mainstream

Roosevelt Institute, Sea Change: How a New Economics Went Mainstream – By Felicia Wong, Suzanne Kahn, Mike Konczal, Matt Hughes. November 16, 2023 In this report, we seek to offer an analysis of the people, institutions, and history that brought us to this moment in economic policymaking. From the Green New Deal, to the American… Continue Reading

The Sick Times

“It’s not mysterious. A highly contagious airborne virus has spread around the world for the past four years and continues to infect people as I write. SARS-Cov-2 has killed an excess of 23 million people worldwide and plagued over 65 million people with Long Covid and other associated conditions.  Chronic illness advocates warned us about… Continue Reading

The David Rumsey Map Collection

“The David Rumsey Map Collection was started over 35 years ago and contains more than 200,000 maps. The collection focuses on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania. The collection includes atlases, globes, wall maps, school geographies, pocket maps,… Continue Reading

A Manifesto on Enforcing Law in the Age of ‘Artificial Intelligence’

A Manifesto on Enforcing Law in the Age of ‘Artificial Intelligence. Transatlantic Reflection Group on Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Age of “Artificial Intelligence”. First published: 26 October 2023. “Building upon A Manifesto In Defense of Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Age of ‘Artificial Intelligence’, we, the Transatlantic… Continue Reading

AI Legal Protections May Not Save You From Getting Sued

Bloomberg – Microsoft, Adobe and OpenAI are all pledging to defend their customers against intellectual property lawsuits, but that guarantee doesn’t apply to everyone. “AI companies are pledging to defend their customers against intellectual property lawsuits. Those indemnities are narrower than the announcements suggest. But first: The fine print Last Monday, twelve minutes into his… Continue Reading

BCLP Arbitration Survey 2023 – AI in IA: The Rise of Machine Learning

BCLP Arbitration Survey 2023 AI in IA: The Rise of Machine Learning Nov 09, 2023. Download PDF. Read the full survey report – “For over ten years, BCLP’s International Arbitration Group has conducted surveys on issues affecting the arbitration process including cyber-security in arbitration proceedings (2019), rights of appeal (2020), party-appointed experts (2021) and the… Continue Reading