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Daily Archives: November 2, 2023

News/Media Alliance Study Finds Pervasive Unauthorized Use of Publisher Content to Power Generative AI Technologies

“On October 31, 2023 the News/Media Alliance published a White Paper and a technical analysis and submitted comments to the U.S. Copyright Office on the use of publisher content to power generative artificial intelligence technologies (GAI). Together, the three publications document the pervasive, unauthorized use of publisher content by GAI developers, the impact this may have on the sustainability and availability of high-quality original content, and the legal implications of such use. GAI systems have been developed by copying massive amounts of the expressive material published by the Alliance’s members, almost always without authorization or compensation, to create new products and services that frequently compete with Alliance member publishers.”

Here’s a rare look at Google’s most lucrative search queries

The Verge: “Not all Google searches make Google money. Google often says that it only shows ads on about 20 percent of queries, the ones it calls “commercial queries.” You can probably guess what qualifies. “US president in 1836” is not something you type when you’re about to buy something; neither is “facebook” because all… Continue Reading

People Search Data Brokers, Stalking, and ‘Publicly Available Information’ Carve-Outs

LawFare: “…In the debate about data privacy and harms to Americans, however, one issue has not received adequate attention by the press or in policy conversations relative to the severity and volume of harm: the link between publicly available information and stalking and gendered violence. For decades, “people search” data brokers have compiled profiles on… Continue Reading

The Bletchley Declaration by Countries Attending the AI Safety Summit

Follow up to President Biden’s Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, see Policy paper, The Bletchley Declaration by Countries Attending the AI Safety Summit, 1-2 November 2023 Published 1 November 2023. “…We affirm that, whilst safety must be considered across the AI lifecycle, actors developing frontier AI… Continue Reading

LegalHTML: Semantic mark-up of legal acts using web technologies

Armando Stellato, Manuel Fiorelli, LegalHTML: Semantic mark-up of legal acts using web technologies, Computer Law & Security Review, 2023, 105888, ISSN 0267-3649, “We introduce here LegalHTML, an extension of the HTML language thought for representing legal acts. LegalHTML has been conceived in the context of an exploratory study conducted for the Publications Office of… Continue Reading