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Daily Archives: November 13, 2023

Worried about AI hijacking your voice for a deepfake? This tool could help

NPR: “Artificial intelligence has gotten so good at mimicking people’s physical looks and voices that it can be hard to tell if they’re real or fake. Roughly half of the respondents in two newly-released AI surveys — from Northeastern University and and Pindrop — said they couldn’t distinguish between synthetic and human-generated content. This has become a particular problem for celebrities, for whom trying to stay ahead of the AI bots has become a game of whack-a-mole.Now, new tools could make it easier for the public to detect these deepfakes — and more difficult for AI systems to create them. “Generative AI has become such an enabling technology that we think will change the world,” said Ning Zhang, assistant professor of computer science and engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. “However when it’s being misused, there has to be a way to build up a layer of defense.”

Deepfakes and scientific knowledge dissemination

Doss, C., Mondschein, J., Shu, D. et al. Deepfakes and scientific knowledge dissemination. Sci Rep 13, 13429 (2023). “Science misinformation on topics ranging from climate change to vaccines have significant public policy repercussions. Artificial intelligence-based methods of altering videos and photos (deepfakes) lower the barriers to the mass creation and dissemination of realistic, manipulated… Continue Reading

Latest US climate assessment shows the extreme toll taken by climate change

The Verge: “Climate disasters are costing the US billions of dollars a year, and the damage isn’t spread out evenly, according to a new national climate assessment. The assessment, produced about every four years, lays out the toll climate change is taking across every region in the United States. This is the fifth one —… Continue Reading

Israel-Gaza crisis: X fails to remove 98% of posts reported by the CCDH for hate and extremism

Center for Countering Digital Hate: “Elon Musk’s X (previously Twitter) continues to host the overwhelming majority of a sample of posts that breach platform rules for promoting antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Palestinian hate and other hateful rhetoric in the wake of the Israel-Gaza crisis, the Center for Countering Digital Hate has found. The CCDH’s study, published Tuesday… Continue Reading

Companies With Flexible Remote Work Policies Outperform On Revenue Growth

Forbes: “…A new report released Tuesday by Scoop, a hybrid work management startup that also compiles the data set Flex Index, includes an analysis of remote work policies and revenue growth at 554 public companies done in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group. It found that the average public company that gives employees choice over… Continue Reading

How Much Your Social Media Profile Data Is Worth on the Dark Web

MakeUseOf: “Key Takeaways Hackers often sell stolen data from social media accounts on the dark web, making it a valuable marketplace for criminals. LinkedIn accounts have the highest value on the dark web due to the professional information they contain, while Reddit accounts are the least valuable. To protect your social media profile data from… Continue Reading

Supreme Court issues Code of Conduct

Supreme Court, November 13, 2023 [15 page PDF]: “The undersigned Justices are promulgating this Code of Conduct [there is no accountability nor enforcement mechanism] to set out succinctly and gather in one place the ethics rules and principles that guide the conduct of the Members of the Court. For the most part these rules and… Continue Reading

The State of Open Data Report 2023: Support for researchers still lacking

“In the eighth annual The State of Open Data report released today, almost three quarters of surveyed researchers overwhelmingly said they are still not getting the support they need to share their data openly. Such data highlights the increased need for greater community collaboration and tools to support researchers in the move to sustainable open… Continue Reading

Webinar on the Nuts and Bolts of the Foreign Relations of the United States series

Webinar on the Nuts and Bolts of the Foreign Relations of the United States series. Please register today to join us on November 15 at 2 pm Eastern. The next Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian webinar will be held on November 15 at 2 pm Eastern. Elizabeth C. Charles, historian in the Office… Continue Reading

Generative AI and libraries: 7 contexts “Libraries are engaging with AI in their educational, service and policy work. This post discusses seven contexts in which that work is taking place. This is the third of four posts on Generative AI: Generative AI and large language models: background and contexts Generative AI, scholarly and cultural language models, and the return of… Continue Reading