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Daily Archives: September 24, 2023

Gliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results

Via LLRXGliding, not searching: Here’s how to reset your view of ChatGPT to steer it to better results – Human factors engineer James Intriligator makes a clear and important distinction for researchers: that unlike a search engine, with static and stored results, ChatGPT never copies, retrieves or looks up information from anywhere. Rather, it generates every word anew. You send it a prompt, and based on its machine-learning training on massive amounts of text, it creates an original answer. Most importantly, each chat retains context during a conversation, meaning that questions asked and answers provided earlier in the conversation will inform responses it generates later. The answers, therefore, are malleable, and the user needs to participate in an iterative process to shape them into something useful.

Delegitimizing the Supreme Court: The Lessons of Dred Scott

Booth, Jonathon, Delegitimizing the Supreme Court: The Lessons of Dred Scott (August 28, 2023). 51 UC Law Constitutional Quarterly, Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: “This Article examines how anti-slavery Republicans delegitimized the Supreme Court in the aftermath of Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) and compares this history to contemporary attempts to reform… Continue Reading

Behind the Scenes at ‘Have I Been Pwned’

Via Slashdot and contributor slincolne [the link is behind a paywall]: “The founder of the data-breach notification site Have I Been Pwned manages “the largest known repository of stolen data on the planet,” reports Australia’s public broadcaster ABC, including over 6 billion email address. Yet with no employees, Troy Hunt manages all of the technical… Continue Reading

The Man Who Trapped Us in Databases

The New York Times [read free]- “Hank Asher was a drug smuggler with a head for numbers — until he figured out how to turn Americans’ private information into a big business. One of Asher’s innovations — or more precisely one of his companies’ innovations — was what is now known as the LexID. My… Continue Reading

The Band of Debunkers Busting Bad Scientists

WSJ (free link) – “Stanford’s president and a high-profile physicist are among those taken down by a growing wave of volunteers who expose faulty or fraudulent research papers. An award-winning Harvard Business School professor and researcher spent years exploring the reasons people lie and cheat. A trio of behavioral scientists examining a handful of her… Continue Reading

Lawyers Don’t Like New Technology, Except When They Do

Jennifer Marsh @legalytical – “In the legal world, there’s a common refrain that lawyers don’t like technology. But that’s not true. During the early part of my career, I witnessed how lawyers changed the way they researched, moving from using books to researching online. While this change happened many years ago, it was incredibly significant.… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 23, 2023

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 23, 2023 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading