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Daily Archives: September 12, 2023

How generative AI really works – The Transformer – This Is How It Works [free link] – By Visual Storytelling Team and Madhumita Murgia in London. “The technology has resulted in a host of cutting-edge AI applications — but its real power lies beyond text generation. Generative AI exists because of the transformer. One of our big goals for AI coverage at the FT has been to do more explanatory journalism, diving deep into the technology that has suddenly exploded into the mainstream. This visual explainer, built together with our brilliant Visual Storytelling team, tries to get to the heart of a large language model – how it works, where it goes wrong and why it’s so powerful. We hope it helps to demystify generative AI for you….Over the past few years, we have taken a gigantic leap forward in our decades-long quest to build intelligent machines: the advent of the large language model, or LLM. This technology, based on research that tries to model the human brain, has led to a new field known as generative AI — software that can create plausible and sophisticated text, images and computer code at a level that mimics human ability. Businesses around the world have begun to experiment with the new technology in the belief it could transform media, finance, law and professional services, as well as public services such as education. The LLM is underpinned by a scientific development known as the transformer model, made by Google researchers in 2017. “While we’ve always understood the breakthrough nature of our transformer work, several years later, we’re energised by its enduring potential across new fields, from healthcare to robotics and security, enhancing human creativity, and more,” says Slav Petrov, a senior researcher at Google, who works on building AI models, including LLMs. LLMs’ touted benefits — the ability to increase productivity by writing and analysing text — are also why it poses a threat to humans. According to Goldman Sachs, it could expose the equivalent of 300mn full-time workers across big economies to automation, leading to widespread unemployment. As the technology is rapidly woven into our lives, understanding how LLMs generate text means understanding why these models are such versatile cognitive engines — and what else they can help create.”

A new tool to help governments with climate data

“To provide a starting point, our organisation, the Center for Open Data Enterprise (CODE), has developed a new tool to help governments and their partners identify the kinds of data that may be most useful for climate action. The Climate Data for Adaptation and Resilience Typology (DART), which has just been published, describes more than… Continue Reading

Uncovering Similarities in News Organisations’ AI Guidelines

Oxford Internet Institute: “In the ever-evolving landscape of news reporting, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently taken centre stage. A significant catalyst for this transformation was the public debut of ChatGPT, a Large Language Model (LLM) by US-based OpenAI, in November 2022. This development has prompted many news organisations to turn their attention… Continue Reading

Historical newspaper articles

Jeremy Singer-Vine, Data is Plural: Melissa Dell et al.’s American Stories dataset contains the text of ~400 million newspaper articles, extracted from ~20 million public-domain scans in the Library of Congress’s Chronicling America project (DIP 2017.08.16). To construct the dataset, the authors built “a novel deep learning pipeline that incorporates layout detection, legibility classification, custom… Continue Reading

Appeals Court Upholds Public.Resource.Org’s Right to Post Public Laws and Regulations Online

EFF: “Technical standards like fire and electrical codes developed by private organizations but incorporated into public law can be freely disseminated without any liability for copyright infringement, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.  Tuesday’s ruling by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upholds the idea that… Continue Reading

SALI Alliance Defines and Translates 12,000+ Legal Data Tags in 11 Languages

“The SALI (Standards Advancement for the Legal Industry) Alliance, the leading global non-profit dedicated to creating and promoting legal data standards, has released to the draft standard (subject to review and comment) the definitions of 12,000+ standardized legal tags, as well as translations into 11 languages. Michael Bommarito of 273 Ventures provided the translations of the… Continue Reading

How Shoddy Data Becomes Sensational Research

Chronicle of Higher Education [read free]: “Over the past 20 years, a wave of improbable-sounding scientific research has come under the microscope. Are Asian Americans really prone to heart attacks on the fourth day of every month? Do power poses really increase testosterone? Do men really eat more pizza when women are around? Are people… Continue Reading

Find COVID‑19 Vaccines COVID-19 vaccination guidance has been updated. Learn more about COVID‑19 vaccine recommendations. Search for COVID‑19 vaccine options for children or adults to find a location near you. If you do not find a convenient location, check back later or contact your health care provider or local health department. Search for vaccine using your 5-digit… Continue Reading

Bird migration forecast maps

“Bird migration forecasts show predicted nocturnal migration 3 hours after local sunset and are updated every 6 hours. These forecasts come from models trained on the last 23 years of bird movements in the atmosphere as detected by the US NEXRAD weather surveillance radar network. In these models we use the Global Forecasting System (GFS)… Continue Reading