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Daily Archives: October 10, 2018

OECD – Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018

Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018 – Preparing for the Future of Work: “This third edition of Job Creation and Local Economic Development examines the impact of technological progress on regional and local labour markets. It sheds light on widening regional gaps on job creation, workers education and skills, as well as inclusion in local economies. Drawing on new data, it examines the geographical distribution of the risk of automation and whether jobs lost to automation are compensated by the creation of jobs at lower risk of automation. Building on data from labour force surveys, the report looks at the rise of non-standard work, highlighting the main regional determinants of temporary jobs and self-employment. Finally, it considers determinants of productivity and inclusion in regional and local labour markets, as well as policies to foster greater inclusion of vulnerable groups into the labour market. Individual country profiles provide an overview of regional labour markets and, among other things, an assessment of the performance in terms of “quality” jobs created among different regions.”

#femfacts combatting media disinformation

News Mavens: “#FemFacts is a Newsmavens consortium project dedicated to tracking and debunking damaging misrepresentations of women in European news media. Why – With the evolution of the media landscape brought about by the digital disruption, Europe has seen a concerning increase in content propagating misleading, false or manipulative information pertaining to women. Whether based… Continue Reading

Technology, Evidence, and Its Procedural Rules

Chasse, Ken, Technology, Evidence, and Its Procedural Rules (September 15, 2018). Available at SSRN: or “The rules of procedure that govern proceedings concerning discovery, disclosure, and admissibility have to be flexibly applied to fit each technology that produces the evidence being dealt with because technology cannot be made to change its nature to… Continue Reading

A Two-Minute Guide To Artificial Intelligence

Forbes: “If you keep hearing about artificial intelligence but aren’t quite sure what it means or how it works, you’re not alone.  There’s been much confusion among the general public about the term, not helped by dramatic news stories about how “AI” will destroy jobs, or companies that overstate their abilities to “use AI.”  A lot of… Continue Reading

Alexa, Should We Trust You? The voice revolution has only just begun

The Atlantic: “…Cynics of every age suspect their virtual assistants of eavesdropping, and not without reason. Smart speakers are yet another way for companies to keep tabs on our searches and purchases. Their microphones listen even when you’re not interacting with them, because they have to be able to hear their “wake word,” the command… Continue Reading

American democracy is fracturing. Libraries say they know how to help

Quartz: “Don’t mess with libraries. One economist learned that lesson the hard way in July after posting a story on Forbes arguing that Amazon should replace local libraries to save taxpayers money. The collective outrage of librarians and Twitter was so great that Forbes deleted the story from its site. The passionate defenders of libraries… Continue Reading

6 Supreme Court cases to keep an eye on this term

MarketPlace: “The U.S. Supreme Court has been in the spotlight in recent weeks over the confirmation of its latest justice, Brett Kavanaugh. Now attention turns to the cases the fully staffed high court will consider this session. For more on what the new makeup of Supreme Court will mean for business and the economy, and… Continue Reading