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Search Results for: FISA

Judiciary Chair Sends Questions to AG On Domestic Spying

In advance of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing on Wartime Executive Power and the NSA’s Surveillance Authority, February 6, 2006, the Committee’s Republican Chairman, Arlen Specter, sent a letter on January 24, 2006, to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, listing 15 questions for which he expected detailed responses. The following questions are in the… Continue Reading

Clinton Administration Did Not Authorize Warrantless Wiretaps

A January 12, 2005 ABC News Nightline interview with former President Clinton clarified information on the use of warrantless wiretaps during his administration. According to Clinton: “My attitude was that once the Congress had spoken on it and given us the tools that we needed, we used it…We used the law. We either went there… Continue Reading

Calls for Investigation into Pentagon Domestic Surveillance Have Generated Response

After a series of Congressional calls for hearings and investigations into the administration’s controversial post 9/11 domestic surveillance program, news today from several sources confirming that probes have indeed been launched, and hearings scheduled. Questions remain as to when, and if, the conclusions will be made public. Additionally, ABC News reports that former NSA “insider”… Continue Reading

A Legal Analysis of the NSA Warrantless Surveillance Program

A Legal Analysis of the NSA Warrantless Surveillance Program, by Morton H. Halperin, January 6, 2006 Secrecy News: “Halperin, a leading civil libertarian and former Pentagon and State Department official, played an influential role in the enactment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978, which subjected intelligence surveillance within the United States to… Continue Reading

Patriot Act Reauthorization Fight Returns to Spotlight

White House press release today: President Discusses Use and Reauthorization of USA PATRIOT Act AP: Bush Pushes for Patriot Act Renewal From the ALA Washington Office Newsline “Please keep up the pressure on members of Congress by encouraging them to continue to fight for the following: 1. The ability for a Section 215 recipient to… Continue Reading

The Divide Deepens Over Domestic Surveillance Program

Several new articles worth highlighting in reference to the domestic surveillance program that has raised vociferous responses from the President, members of Congress, the polls, bloggers, and a range of other sources. Time Magazine, Bush Says, Bring It On; the Critics Will: “…the White House decided its strategy would be to “overwhelm the skeptics, not… Continue Reading

Domestic Surveillance Program: Opposition Within DOJ and Administration Defense of Actions

Several news items today regarding the domestic surveillance program revealed in a December 15, 2005 New York Times article, the ramifications of which are subject to Congressional and DOJ investigation, continued commentary and perhaps further response by other judges on the FISA Court. New York Times: Justice Deputy Resisted Parts of Spy Program: The authors… Continue Reading

Debate Escalates on Domestic Spying Program

Following up on news that Judge Robinson resigned from the FISA court in protest over the administration’s warrantless surveillance program, related commentary and articles: Warrantless Wiretapping: Why It Seriously Imperils the Separation of Powers, And Continues the Executive’s Sapping of Power From Congress and the Courts, by Edward Lazarus. Judges on Surveillance Court To Be… Continue Reading

AG, VP Issue Statements on Legal Underpinnings of Electronic Surveillance Program

In following postings on the revelations on the Domestic Surveillance Program, see the text of this Press Briefing by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and General Michael Hayden, Principal Deputy Director for National Intelligence, December 19, 2005. “The President confirmed the existence of a highly classified program on Saturday. The program remains highly classified; there are… Continue Reading

Administration Responds to Concerns About Domestic Surveillance Citing Exemption

Following up on related postings in the past several days, see the following references, resources, statements and news: Electronic Surveillance: 50 USC 1801 – 50 USC 1811. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Orders 1979-2004 Congressional Record: December 16, 2005 (Senate)[Page S13736-S13749]. Statement of Sen. Feinstein: “…Let me be clear. Domestic intelligence collection… Continue Reading

ALA Urges Vote Against Patriot Act Conference Report

From American Library Association Washington Office Newsline: “The House is scheduled to vote on the PATRIOT Act conference report as early as Thursday, November 17. The revised bill does not contain important civil liberties safeguards sought by ALA and other advocates…The revised bill sunsets at seven years (The Senate bill sunset was 4 years and… Continue Reading

Hearings on PATRIOT Act Continue

Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, Oversight Hearing on the Implementation of the USA PATRIOT Act: Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA). Part II, April 28, 2005. Witness testimony: Kenneth L. Wainstein, Interim U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia; Robert S. Khuzami, Former Assistant U.S. Attorney, Southern District of New York. 4/28/2005 – Sensenbrenner Statement Regarding… Continue Reading