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Search Results for: FISA

CIA Director Nominee Contends Domestic Surveillance Legal

Senate Intelligence Committee Open Hearing: Confirmation Hearing of General Michael V. Hayden to be the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, May 18, 2006. Opening Statement by Michael V. Hayden, Unclassified (5 pages, PDF) Via FAS, full transcript of the Hayden confirmation hearing (171 pages, PDF), and the same transcript via DNI AP: Hayden Insists… Continue Reading

Lawful Intelligence and Surveillance of Terrorists in an Emergency by NSA Act Introduced Today

Press release: “Reps. Jane Harman (D-CA) and John Conyers (D-MI) today introduced the “Lawful Intelligence and Surveillance of Terrorists in an Emergency by NSA Act” (The LISTEN Act). The Act makes clear that any attempt to listen in on Americans or collect telephone or e-mail records must be conducted in accordance with the Foreign Intelligence… Continue Reading

Authorized Wiretap Intercepts Increase 4 Percent in 2005

Follow-up to April 28, 2006 posting, FBI Used NSLs to Collect Info on Thousands of Americans, the following related documents from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts: News release, May 1, 2006: Authorized Wiretap Intercepts Increase 4 Percent in 2005 – “The number of orders authorizing or approving the interception of wire, oral or… Continue Reading

Judiciary Cmte. Holds Hearing on NSA Wiretapping

Hearing – NSA III: War Time Executive Power and the FISA Court, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Tuesday, March 28, 2006. Statement of Sen. Patrick Leahy, Vermont: “We desperately need some answers to basic questions about the President’s decision to wiretap Americans on American soil without court approval and without attempting to comply with the… Continue Reading

NSA Oversight Act Introduced

Press release: “On Thursday, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA)…[introduced] legislation to address the NSA’s warrantless surveillance of Americans on American soil…The bill, the NSA OVERSIGHT ACT, would: Reiterate Current FISA and Wiretap Laws – states that FISA and the federal criminal wiretap statutes shall continue to be the exclusive means by which domestic electronic surveillance may… Continue Reading

Feingold to Introduce Resolution to Censure President

Press release: “U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has announced that he will introduce a resolution (text – in PDF) in the U.S. Senate on Monday to censure the President of the United States. Feingold’s resolution condemns the President’s actions in authorizing the illegal wiretapping program and then misleading the country about the existence and legality of… Continue Reading

USA PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006 (S. 2271)

CRS Report: USA PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006 (S. 2271) – “S. 22711 amends the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the five federal statutes providing national security letter (NSL) authority to federal intelligence investigators in the following manner: (1) it grants recipients of a Section 215 order the express right to… Continue Reading

Tainted Warrants Used in Spy Program?

Yesterday’s posting, Judiciary Cmte. Requests Extensive Info On Domestic Spying Program From Attorney General, relied heavily on links to the Washington Post, and for good reason. The newspaper’s investigative reporting on the domestic spying issue has been picking up steam, with yet another must read article in today’s issue, Secret Court’s Judges Were Warned About… Continue Reading

Some in Congress Set to Confront White House On Domestic Spying Program

AP reports today the Senate Judicary Committe Chairman Arlen Specter “said he believes the administration violated a 1978 law specifically calling for a secretive court to consider and approve such monitoring.” Additional resources: Time, Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006 – Wartime Power Play, by Massimo Calabresi: “As Capitol Hill prepares to battle the White House over… Continue Reading

Release of Historic Gov. Docs Chronicle White House Position on Wiretapping

Follow-up to February 3, 2006 posting, Judiciary Cmte. Democrats Again Request Data on Domestic Surveillance From AG, which referred to an AP article, Papers: Ford White House Weighed Wiretaps…George H.W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are cited in the documents, see this additional documentation from the National Security Archive: “Despite objections from then-Secretary of… Continue Reading