CIO – Develop a data-driven culture but be mindful of regulatory and ethical considerations: “Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to be a priority for more than 30 percent of CIOs by 2020, according to Gartner. While AI promises game changing capabilities, this is only going to happen if your organisation applies it effectively. If you’re a chief data officer (CDO) trying to realise the full potential of AI, now’s the time to broaden your strategy, assess the impact on both business models and customer experiences, and prepare for other strategic challenges. Much of the current wave of attention is the result of gains in advanced analytics and machine learning. This current shift is partially attributable to the emergence of inexpensive, massive and readily available computing power, as well as the mountains of data available to train machines, form patterns and produce insights. Although top of mind, many organisations are just beginning their AI journey — gathering knowledge and developing strategies for applying it. If you’re like many data and analytics leaders, the need to define an AI strategy and identify uses is a real challenge…”
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