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Category Archives: Transportation

Annual Update for HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data Base in Its 30th Year

“This annual update of the interactive global resource on the prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS cases and deaths coincides with the 21st International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa. First developed in 1987, this marks 30 years of database releases. The HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data Base is a compilation of information from widely scattered small-scale… Continue Reading

GAO – DHS Management, Federal Travel, IRS 2017 Budget, Oil and Gas

DHS Management: Enhanced Oversight Could Better Ensure Programs Receiving Fees and Other Collections Use Funds Efficiently, GAO-16-443: Published: Jul 21, 2016. Publicly Released: Jul 21, 2016. Federal Travel: Opportunities Exist to Improve Data and Information Sharing, GAO-16-657: Published: Jul 21, 2016. Publicly Released: Jul 21, 2016. IRS 2017 Budget: IRS Could Improve Presentation of Budget… Continue Reading

National Transportation Atlas Database

“The National Transportation Atlas Database is a set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure. These datasets include spatial information for transportation modal networks and intermodal terminals, as well as the related attribute information for these features. Metadata documentation, as prescribed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee, is also provided… Continue Reading

New East Coast Bike Trail Will Stretch 3,000 Miles From Maine to Florida

Via CityLab: “From northern Maine to the tip of Florida, the East Coast of the United States stretches 3,000 miles. It’s a diverse, expansive route, cutting through wooded hills and rocky coastlines before hitting the sun-drenched beaches of the South. And all of it can be traveled by bicycle. The East Coast Greenway Alliance has… Continue Reading

New bill permits reimbursement for alternative transportation used by fed employees

Via – Zach Noble – “A new bill would allow federal employees to expense Uber and other app-powered transportation options. A bipartisan group of lawmakers wants feds to be able to use ride-hailing and -sharing services for official government travel. The Modernizing Government Travel Act, introduced July 5, would allow federal employees to seek… Continue Reading

2012 Economic Census Subject Series: Miscellaneous Reports for Seven Sectors

“These reports present data for a variety of industry-specific topics, such as end-of-year inventories for establishments of firms with payroll. Presentation of data varies by kind of business. This concludes the subject series for these sectors. Transportation and Warehousing Information Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Administrative Support and Waste Management and Remediation Health Care and Social… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Refundable Tax Credits, Veterans Crisis Line, Highway Trust Fund

Refundable Tax Credits: Comprehensive Compliance Strategy and Expanded Use of Data Could Strengthen IRS’s Efforts to Address Noncompliance, GAO-16-475: Published: May 27, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 27, 2016. Veterans Crisis Line: Additional Testing, Monitoring, and Information Needed to Ensure Better Quality Service, GAO-16-373: Published: May 26, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 27, 2016 Highway Trust Fund:… Continue Reading

The Young and the Carless? The Demographics of New Vehicle Purchases

June 24, 2016 – The Young and the Carless? The Demographics of New Vehicle Purchases, Christopher Kurz, Geng Li, and Daniel Vine, Federal Reserve Board: ” U.S. sales of new light vehicles have rebounded strongly since the end of the 2007-09 recession and are considered one of the bright spots of the recovery. Indeed, sales… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Highway Trust Fund, Army Working Capital Fund, Defense Facility Condition, Defense Health Care, Federal Prison System, Commercial Space

Highway Trust Fund Administrative Expenses of the Federal Highway Administration, GAO-16-631R :Published: Jun 24, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 24, 2016 Army Working Capital Fund: Army Industrial Operations Could Improve Budgeting and Management of Carryover, GAO-16-543: Published: Jun 23, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 23, 2016 Defense Facility Condition: Revised Guidance Needed to Improve Oversight of Assessments… Continue Reading

Internet trends report 2016 – Mary Meeker

“The 2016 edition of Mary Meeker’s annual Internet Trends report covers today’s Internet growth and an in-depth look at the following: • Global Internet users have surpassed 3B; India has supplanted the US as the world’s second-largest Internet market. • Internet user growth remains consistent (led by acceleration in India), while smartphone user and shipment… Continue Reading