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Category Archives: Transportation

EPA and DOT Finalize Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Heavy-Duty Trucks

“Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) jointly finalized standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles that will improve fuel efficiency and cut carbon pollution, while bolstering energy security and spurring manufacturing innovation. The final phase two standards were called for by President Obama’s… Continue Reading

FTA Releases WMATA Stop Signal Overrun Investigation Report – Issues Safety Directive to Correct Systemic Safety Deficiencies

“The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) today issued a Safety Directive 16-5 to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority  (WMATA) requiring the transit agency to address the serious safety concern of stop signal overruns in its Metrorail system by implementing 11 required actions and expediting completion of prior corrective actions approved by… Continue Reading

NASA Pulls Together National Data to Sleuth Out Air Traffic Improvement Mysteries

It is mid-2016 – and this has just been implemented – well – welcome Sherlock!: “For the first time ever, air traffic researchers can view and analyze archived flight data collected and merged from all air traffic facilities across the U.S., with fast update rates ranging from one second to 12 seconds for every flight’s… Continue Reading

Paper – Securing the Connected Car

Commonalities in Vehicle Vulnerabilities, Corey Thuen, Senior Security Consultant, IOActive: “With the Connected Car becoming commonplace in the market, vehicle cybersecurity grows more important by the year. At the forefront of this growing area of security research, IOActive has amassed real-world vulnerability data illustrating the general issues and potential solutions to the cybersecurity issues facing… Continue Reading

Article – International shipping touches 90% of everything we buy

Via Fast co.exist: “The climate deal made in Paris last November didn’t include cargo ships—despite the fact that shipping emits roughly as much climate pollution as the entire country of Germany (and more pollution than the 160 least-polluting countries to sign the agreement, combined). A visualization from researchers at University College London and the digital… Continue Reading

FTA Releases WMATA Track Integrity Investigation Report – Safety Directive to Correct Systemic Track Safety Problems

“The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) today issued a Safety Directive to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) requiring the transit agency to complete 12 actions to correct track integrity deficiencies in the Metrorail system.  The Safety Directive is based on 12 significant findings set out in a Track Integrity Investigation… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Airport and Airway Trust Fund, K-12 Education, Patient Protection, Nuclear Waste

Airport and Airway Trust Fund: Less Than Half of Noncommercial Jet Fuel Tax Receipts Are Transferred, GAO-16-746R: Published: Aug 8, 2016. Publicly Released: Aug 8, 2016. K-12 Education: Education’s Experiences with Flexibility Waivers Could Inform Efforts to Assist States with New Requirements, GAO-16-650: Published: Jul 7, 2016. Publicly Released: Aug 8, 2016. Patient Protection and… Continue Reading

New Commitments to Accelerate the Safe Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

White House Fact Sheet, August 2, 2016: “Since President Obama took office in 2009, developments in aviation, sensing, and software technology have powered a revolution in unmanned flight. In the next decade, the burgeoning commercial drone industry is projected to generate more than $82 billion for the U.S. economy and, by 2025, could support as… Continue Reading

Graduated Driver Licensing Night Driving Restrictions and Drivers Aged 16 or 17 Years Involved in Fatal Night Crashes – United States, 2009–2014

CDC – “During 2009–2014, approximately one third of drivers aged 16 or 17 years in the United States involved in fatal crashes crashed in the period from 9:00 p.m. to 5:59 a.m.; 57% crashed before 12:00 a.m. Night driving restrictions (NDRs) have been shown to reduce crashes among newly licensed teens, with higher reductions associated… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Aviation Safety, Financial Management Systems, Hazardous Materials Transportation, BFS Info Systems Controls, VA Real Property

Aviation Safety: FAA’s Risk-Based Oversight for Repair Stations Could Benefit from Additional Airline Data and Performance Metrics, GAO-16-679: Published: Jul 28, 2016. Publicly Released: Jul 28, 2016. Financial Management Systems: HUD Needs to Address Management and Governance Weaknesses That Jeopardize Its Modernization Efforts, GAO-16-656: Published: Jul 28, 2016. Publicly Released: Jul 28, 2016. Hazardous Materials… Continue Reading

Brad Ideas – Carpool apps are on the rise, let’s make transfer points and roads to help them

Carpool apps are on the rise, let’s make transfer points and roads to help them: “The cell phone ride hail apps like Uber and Lyft are now reporting great success with actual ride-sharing, under the names UberPool, LyftLines and Lyft Carpool. In addition, a whole new raft of apps to enable semi-planned and planned carpooling… Continue Reading

Google announces ways to share street smarts in Google Maps

Via Google Maps Blogs: “Each day, we make million of updates to Google Maps throughout the world. But it’s still not enough to ensure that every single restaurant, shop or landmark worldwide has the most accurate information possible. That’s why we’ve been rolling out new, easy ways for you to help keep the neighborhoods and… Continue Reading