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Category Archives: Transportation

A Smart Move? 24 Essentials Of A Swot Analysis Policymakers Need To Consider

Berkman Klein Center: “Regulators and policymakers are increasingly involved in making important decisions about the governance of automated vehicles (AVs). Policymakers need to design comprehensive policies to deliver the benefits of AVs and to foresee and address potential unintended consequences; however, this is not an easy task. Especially given the complexity of the technology, AVs… Continue Reading

Copenhagenize Index names 20 Most Bike-Friendly Cities on the Planet

Bike Friendly Cities Index 2018: “The Copenhagenize Index gives cities marks for their efforts towards reestablishing the bicycle as a feasible, accepted and practical form of transport. The interest in taking the bicycle seriously as transport once again continues unabated around the world. Every city used to be bicycle friendly before planners and engineers started… Continue Reading

What Unites and Divides Urban, Suburban and Rural Communities

Amid widening gaps in politics and demographics, Americans in urban, suburban and rural areas share many aspects of community life Pew – “…The divides that exist across urban, suburban and rural areas when it comes to views on social and political issues don’t necessarily extend to how people are experiencing life in different types of… Continue Reading

Demand for electric vehicles will rise significantly – McKinsey

“Demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is primed for the passing lane. While EVs accounted for only about 1 percent of global annual vehicle sales in 2016 and just 0.2 percent of vehicles on the road, McKinsey estimates that by 2030 EVs (including battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids) could rise to almost 20 percent of… Continue Reading

Do you ride the DC/MD/VA Metro – this safety report is a critical read “The findings of the latest publicly available Federal Transit Administration inspection reports include dark tunnels, risks to workers, train operators failing to follow safety rules before opening doors, and Metro’s own compliance inspectors being unable to verify fixes. Federal inspectors found two stretches of consecutive loose fasteners on the Orange Line near Deanwood Jan.… Continue Reading

Divided Cities Understanding Intra-urban Inequalities

OECD – Divided Cities Understanding Intra-urban Inequalities: “This report provides an assessment of spatial inequalities and segregation in cities and metropolitan areas from multiple perspectives. The chapters in the report focus on a subset of OECD countries and non-member economies, and provide new insights on cross-cutting issues for city neighbourhooods, such as the patterns of… Continue Reading

Law enforcement can identify your vehicle by make, model, year, color, features via new software

News release: “Leonardo’s ELSAG ALPR solutions are used by nearly 4,000 customers in over 25 countries by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.Leonardo will introduce two new Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) solutions at the 2018 IACP Technology Con ference on May 21-23 in Providence, Rhode Island. The ELSAG MTC and ECSS will be… Continue Reading

Ireland’s Open Data Portal

Ireland launches the third version of their national data portal DATA.GOV.IE – Promoting innovation and transparency through the publication of Irish Public Sector data in open, free and reusable formats. “A new and improved version of the national Open Data portal, was recently launched. It is the third iteration of the portal now using… Continue Reading

Metro’s Office of Inspector General Evaluation of Rhode Island Avenue – Brentwood Station Incidents

Washington Post – “In dozens of cases, Metro crews copied and pasted language from prior years’ structural inspection reports for the Rhode Island Avenue station and skipped inspections of hard-to-reach and low-visibility areas, culminating in a steel beam and concrete chunks falling from the ceiling on two consecutive days in 2016, Metro’s Office of the… Continue Reading

All private vehicles will be banned from Central Park starting on June 27 2018

New York Post: “Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday called the city’s decision to ban cars permanently from the internal streets of Central Park a “sea change” for the landmark’s estimated 42 million annual visitors. “This is a big moment for this city,” he said on WNYC radio, two days ahead of Earth Day. “For… Continue Reading