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Category Archives: Transportation

GAO delivers more bad news for Washington DC Metro

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority: Assessing Fiscal Risks and Improving Workforce Management Would Help Achieve Strategic Goals, GAO-18-643: Published: Sep 10, 2018. Publicly Released: Sep 10, 2018: “In recent years, Washington, D.C.’s Metro transit system has had serious safety problems and has lost revenue during lengthy maintenance. These conditions put pressure on Metro to effectively… Continue Reading

Google launches Touring Bird – helps travelers explore, compare, and book tours, tickets, and activities from multiple providers

Tourbird FAQ: “Touring Bird helps travelers explore, compare, and book tours, tickets, and activities from multiple providers in top destinations around the world—all in a single place. What can I do with Touring Bird? With Touring Bird, you can: Find everything in one place – When you select a destination city, you’ll see popular attractions,… Continue Reading

Here’s How Much Time You’ll Waste Commuting in Your Lifetime (by City)

How Many Days Americans Waste Commuting In The Course Of A Lifetime, Mapped By City “Commuting is the most stressful part of the day for many people. It’s like a recurring nightmare — day after day, week after week, year after year spent sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, stuck behind the wheel instead of spending time… Continue Reading

3 Practical Tools To Help Regulators Develop Better Laws And Policies

Berkman Klein Center, Harvard University. 3 Practical Tools To Help Regulators Develop Better Laws And Policies a Policy Paper on Autonomous Vehicles, July 2018. “Regulators and policymakers are driving efforts to deliver the benefits of automated vehicles (AVs) to the public as soon as possible, while minimizing their potential challenges. However, there are still many… Continue Reading

The Weight of Numbers: Air Pollution and PM2.5

Undark: “Emanating from smokestacks, vehicle engines, construction projects, and fires large and small, airborne pollution – sometimes smaller than the width of a human hair, and very often the product of human activity – is not just contributing to climate change. It is a leading driver of heart disease and stroke, lung cancer, and respiratory… Continue Reading

Who owns the space under cities? The attempt to map the earth beneath us

The Guardian: “…In London, a city with 150 years of trenching, digging and boring to its name, the chaos is reaching new depths. According to Newcastle University’s Global Urban Research Unit, more than 4,600 basements have been granted planning permission in the last decade – in just seven of London’s 32 boroughs. The space under… Continue Reading

Paper – What Governments Across The Globe Are Doing To Seize The Benefits Of Autonomous Vehicles

A Policy Paper on Autonomous Vehicle: “This policy paper introduces some of the main policy and regulatory actions that are being undertaken in the international arena in relation to automated vehicles (AVs). We cover initiatives from the G7 international meetings, the United States, the European Union, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, China, and New Zealand. This… Continue Reading

Boston Globe reports on TSA program that targets travelers who “are not under investigation by any agency”

Boston Globe – Welcome to the Quiet Skies [paywall] – “Federal air marshals have begun following ordinary US citizens not suspected of a crime or on any terrorist watch list and collecting extensive information about their movements and behavior under a new domestic surveillance program that the TSA says little about because it “would make… Continue Reading

Federal Motor Vehicle Product Liability Litigation Up 89%

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse: “The latest available data from the federal courts through June 2018 show that new federal motor vehicle product liability lawsuits have risen sharply.  During four out of six of the past months, the number of new cases filed set new records.  So far during the first nine months of FY 2018,… Continue Reading

American Airlines, TSA Testing New State-of-the-Art Screening Technology in New York

American Airlines Newsroom: “Research and development efforts have shown that CT is the most consequential technology available today for airport checkpoints worldwide. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), working collaboratively with American Airlines, is demonstrating a new computed tomography (CT) scanner at the Terminal 8 security checkpoint at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK).… Continue Reading