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Category Archives: Transportation

Expedia launches a new tool to check coronavirus travel restrictions

The Verge: “As more people get vaccinated against the coronavirus and spring weather coaxes people outside, we’re all thinking about those travel plans we shelved last summer. But with COVID-19 travel restrictions varying by country and by state in the US, it’s difficult to figure out what’s safe and what the latest rules are. Expedia… Continue Reading

New U.S. Carbon Monitor website compares emissions among the 50 states

UCI News: “Following last year’s successful launch of a global carbon monitor website to track and display greenhouse gas emissions from a variety of sources, an international team led by Earth system scientists from the University of California, Irvine is unveiling this week a new data resource focused on the United States. Near real-time, state-level… Continue Reading

Your post-vaccination travel questions, answered

Vox – Can Americans travel right now? Kind of. Should Americans travel right now? That’s more complicated…”There’s been a lot of debate about the ethics of traveling right now. While some borders are technically open, it raises concerns about bringing Covid-19 to different countries and possibly infecting locals. Early on in the pandemic, for example,… Continue Reading

The first annual Microsoft Work Trend Index

Tech Republic: “The majority of people want flexible remote work to continue, but new research from Microsoft warns leaders that they’re out of touch with exhausted employees and need to plan if hybrid work is to be successful. Otherwise, they will lose staff — especially Gen Z workers.  There have been plenty of smaller-scale studies showing how… Continue Reading

What You Need to Know About Your Vaccine Card

The New York Times – “For now, the best way to show that you’ve been inoculated against the coronavirus is a simple white card. Here, your key questions answered. As vaccinations become more widely available for people in the United States and travel starts picking up, many people have started sharing their simple white vaccination… Continue Reading

Amtrak proposed map of new and expanded service under Biden infrastructure plan

Amtrak connects U.S. – a vision to grow rail service across America: “New or improved routes to add millions more passengers over 15 years. With a growing and diverse population, a global climate crisis and longer traffic jams, America needs a rail network that offers frequent, reliable, sustainable, and equitable train service. Amtrak has the… Continue Reading

Google is making some big upgrades to directions in Google Maps

The Verge: “Google is announcing a bunch of new features planned for Google Maps, including a new tool to help with indoor navigation and suggestions for eco-friendly driving routes. The features announced today aren’t rolling out all at once, though; many aren’t available just yet, and it’s unclear when some will be available in some… Continue Reading

Location data is the new growth market

TechDirt: “Location data is the new growth market. Data harvested from apps is sold to data brokers who, in turn, sell this to whoever’s buying. Lately, the buyers have been a number of government agencies, including the CBP, ICE, DEA, Secret Service, IRS, and — a bit more worryingly — the Defense Department. The mileage… Continue Reading

Harvard Study – Work from home more appealing than return to ‘business as usual’

USA Today – “Despite potentially longer hours, most Americans enjoy working remotely and want the option to keep doing so post-pandemic, according to a new Harvard Business School Online survey. As COVID-19 forced countless companies to let employees work remotely and presented new challenges such as readjusting their home life and fighting Zoom fatigue from numerous virtual meetings, most of the 1,500 people surveyed say they excelled and even grew in their… Continue Reading