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Category Archives: Medicine

2 billion phones cannot use Google and Apple contact-tracing tech

ars technica: “As many as a billion mobile phone owners around the world will be unable to use the smartphone-based system proposed by Apple and Google to track whether they have come into contact with people infected with the coronavirus, industry researchers estimate. The figure includes many poorer and older people—who are also among the… Continue Reading

New England Journal of Medicine – In Pursuit of PPE

This note was published on April 17, 2020, at “As a chief physician executive, I rarely get involved in my health system’s supply-chain activities. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed that. Protecting our caregivers is essential so that these talented professionals can safely provide compassionate care to our patients. Yet we continue to be stymied… Continue Reading

Patients with heart attacks, strokes and even appendicitis vanish from hospitals

Washington Post – “Soon after he repurposed his 60-bed cardiac unit to accommodate covid-19 patients, Mount Sinai cardiovascular surgeon John Puskas was stumped: With nearly all the beds now occupied by victims of the novel coronavirus, where had all the heart patients gone? Even those left almost speechless by crushing chest pain weren’t coming through… Continue Reading

Mary Meeker’s Coronavirus Trend Report

Via Axios – “Bond Capital, a Silicon Valley VC firm whose portfolio companies include Slack and Uber, told its investors [April 17, 2020] via email that the coronavirus’ high-speed spread and impact has similarities to the devastating San Francisco earthquake of 1906…Bond’s best-known partner, Mary Meeker, is a former bank analyst renowned for her annual… Continue Reading

Visualizing Social Distancing in the United States

Center for Data Innovation: “Reuters has created a series of data visualizations using location data from millions of smartphones to show how social distancing efforts have affected travel in the United States. The visualizations show that most individuals in cities such as New York, Chicago, and Denver had stopped commuting by March 20. In addition, an… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues April 18, 2020

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues April 18, 2020 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

Attacks on press credibility endanger US democracy and global press freedom

“The Trump administration has stepped up prosecutions of news sources, interfered in the business of media owners, harassed journalists crossing U.S. borders, and empowered foreign leaders to restrict their own media. But Trump’s most effective ploy has been to destroy the credibility of the press, dangerously undermining truth and consensus even as the COVID-19 pandemic… Continue Reading

Researchers Warn of ‘Wave’ of Neurological Illness Caused by Coronavirus

Gizmodo: “The damaging effects of covid-19 will extend beyond the lungs to our brains and minds, scientists are warning. The viral disease may directly affect the nervous systems of some patients both during and post-infection, and the stress of the pandemic and its economic fallout is likely already leading to spikes in anxiety among the… Continue Reading

When Could Things Reopen – How Each State Is Responding To COVID-19

NPR – “Just as the coronavirus has spread from coast to coast and disrupted nearly every aspect of daily life, so too have the state-level restrictions and recommendations designed to combat it. Governors are implementing all sorts of measures aimed at controlling the outbreak and responding to the public health and economic damage it has… Continue Reading

Behind every data point on a curve or chart is a name and story of the earliest victims

Washington Post – The Pademic’s First Wave – “The Washington Post has been tracking every covid-19 death in the United States, and an in-depth analysis of the first 1,000 who died reveals the breadth of the outbreak’s impact. The virus spreads swiftly and tends to kill in clusters — in families and senior homes, in dense… Continue Reading