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Category Archives: Medicine

Recovered COVID-19 patients test positive but not infectious data finds

ars technica: “People who recover from COVID-19 but test positive for the virus again days or weeks later are not shedding viral particles and are not infectious, according to data released Tuesday by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The so-called “re-positive” cases have raised fears that an infection with the new coronavirus,… Continue Reading

More than half of U.S. counties don’t have a single coronavirus testing site

Castlight Report – Location, location, location – Where retail clinics like CVS and Walmart choose to set up testing facilities will make all the difference in our ability to safely get back to work. “Castlight performed an analysis of our comprehensive COVID-19 test site finder to examine states’ capacity to collect enough COVID-19 tests to… Continue Reading

CDC guidance on reopening America from coronavirus stay-at-home orders

Washington Post – “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week laid out its detailed, delayed road map for reopening schools, child-care facilities, restaurants and mass transit, weeks after covid-weary states began opening on their own terms. The CDC cautioned that some institutions should stay closed for now and said reopening should be guided… Continue Reading

iFixit Launches Massive Repair Database For Ventilators and Other Medical Devices

The Verge – To help hospitals maintain and fix crucial equipment during COVID-19 and beyond – “Teardown and repair website iFixit has just posted what its CEO Kyle Wiens says is “the most comprehensive online resource for medical repair professionals.” The new database contains dedicated sections for clinical, laboratory, and medical support equipment, in addition… Continue Reading

How We Reopen Safely Tracking states as they make progress towards gating criteria

COVID Exit Strategy – “We are a group of public health and crisis experts. With former experience working at the White House, Department of Health and Human Services, and on the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. We are a non-partisan group, having worked across multiple administrations. We built this site to track each state’s progress… Continue Reading

Legal Issues Related to the COVID-19 Outbreak: An Overview Updated

LC CRS Reports – Legal Issues Related to the COVID-19 Outbreak: An Overview Updated May 18, 2020:  “The COVID-19 outbreak has rapidly shifted the congressional agenda in recent weeks, while altering the daily lives of millions of American residents. Alongside the many medical, economic, social, and public policy questions raised by the pandemic are a… Continue Reading

The Answer to a COVID-19 Vaccine May Lie in Our Genes, But

Scientific American – “The coronavirus, as we all know, has brought our economy to its knees. As the search for vaccines and treatments accelerates, geneticists are now looking to our genes to understand why some recover quickly or show no symptoms, while others die. To do so, they are searching DNA databases and cross-referencing them… Continue Reading

Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic

“The goal of Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic is to produce a public historical archive documenting how the extreme new conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the routines, expectations, and dreams of people from all walks of life, all nationalities, communities, genders, and aged groups across the globe.  Although the spread of… Continue Reading

A Complete List of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Scams

Self – “As anxiety around coronavirus increases, more scammers are taking advantage. While scams can happen any time, many companies are now preying on people’s fear about contracting COVID-19 and the financial uncertainty due to job and income loss caused by the virus, among others. Here’s what you need to know to help protect yourself… Continue Reading

Preventing a Parallel Pandemic A National Strategy to Protect Clinicians’ Well-Being

Victor J. Dzau et al., Preventing a Parallel Pandemic — A National Strategy to Protect Clinicians’ Well-Being, New England J. Med. (May 13, 2020), DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2011027. “The Covid-19 pandemic, which had killed more than 60,000 Americans by May 1, has been compared with Pearl Harbor and September 11 — cataclysmic events that left indelible imprints… Continue Reading

AP Exclusive: CDC guidance more restrictive than White House

AP – “Advice from the top U.S. disease control experts on how to safely reopen businesses and institutions during the coronavirus pandemic was more detailed and restrictive than the plan released by the White House last month. The guidance, which was shelved by Trump administration officials, also offered recommendations to help communities decide when to… Continue Reading

Tracking Federal Awards in States and Congressional Districts Using

LC CRS Reports – Tracking Federal Awards in States and Congressional Districts Using, May 11, 2020: “, available to the public at, is a government source for data on federal awards by state, congressional district (CD), zip code, city, and county. The awards data in is provided by federal agencies and represents… Continue Reading