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Category Archives: Legislation

Science and Technology Issues in the 117th Congress

CRS Report – Science and Technology Issues in the 117th Congress. May 5, 2021: “The federal government supports scientific and technological advancement directly by funding and performing research and development, and indirectly by creating and maintaining policies that encourage private sector efforts. Additionally, the federal government regulates many aspects of S&T activities. This report briefly… Continue Reading, home of the National AI Initiative

“Welcome to, home of the National AI Initiative and connection point to ongoing activities to advance U.S. leadership in AI. The National AI Initiative Act of 2020 became law on January 1, 2021, providing for a coordinated program across the entire Federal government to accelerate AI research and application for the Nation’s economic prosperity… Continue Reading

New citation tool for users

In Custodia Legis – “Last month, Robert publicized the addition of historic materials to, including the bound Congressional Record going back to 1951 and the Statutes at Large back to 1973. This month, we are very happy to be introducing a citation tool for users. Over the years, many of our patrons have… Continue Reading

What’s Breaking Through? Congressional Reactions, Prioritization, and Digital Amplification

Precision: Ever wonder whether bipartisan agreement is gone forever? Or, whether it’s possible for progressives, conservatives, and those in the middle to find common ground on critical issues? Us too. That’s why we’re diving deep to look at what’s breaking through among three core groups of Senators and Representatives that carry weight across both chambers… Continue Reading

Join Our Newest Crowdsourcing Campaign: Historical Legal Reports from the Law Library of Congress

In Custodia Legis: “Calling all students of history, government, law, public policy, international relations, and other interested members of the public – help us expand access to hundreds of previously unreleased legal reports and other publications from the Law Library of Congress dating back to the 1940s! We are excited to launch our second crowdsourcing… Continue Reading

Apportionment and Redistricting Following the 2020 Census

CRS Insight – Apportionment and Redistricting Following the 2020 Census, April 27, 2021: “…The Clerk of the House sends each governor a certificate indicating a state’s number of Representatives within 15 calendar days of receiving the President’s apportionment message. Each state receives the number of Representatives noted in the President’s statement, beginning at the start… Continue Reading

A brief history of how it took almost 300 years to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act

Fast Company – “By now you’ve probably heard that the pandemic has hit certain groups more than others. Women, particularly women of color, have lost a historic number of jobs, which has a ripple effect on the wage gap and the global economy overall. What’s less well known is that between March and August 2020… Continue Reading

Qui Tam: The False Claims Act and Related Federal Statutes

CRS Report – Qui Tam: An Abridged Look at the FalseClaims Act and Related Federal Statutes, Updated April 26, 2021: “Qui tam statutes enlist the public to sue to recover civil penalties and forfeitures from those who have defrauded the government. Qui tam rewards those who sue in the government’s name (called relators) with a… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, April 17, 2021

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, April 17, 2021 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

The Environmental Protection Agency is cleaning up its image

The Verge – After years of turmoil, the EPA looks for a fresh start: “…Even though Trump’s term is over, the “brain drain” that the EPA has suffered for years could still pose real harm to the environment and people the agency is tasked with protecting. And after years of tumult at the agency, potential… Continue Reading

Scope of CDC Authority Under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act

CRS Report – Scope of CDC Authority Under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), April 13, 2021: “Since the beginning of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, all levels of government have grappled with how to stem the spread of the disease. Until the recent authorization of several COVID-19 vaccines, community mitigation… Continue Reading

We sampled tap water across the US and found arsenic, lead and toxic chemicals

“A nine-month investigation by the Guardian and Consumer Reports found alarming levels of forever chemicals, arsenic and lead in samples taken across the US by Ryan Felton and Lisa Gill of Consumer Reports and Lewis Kendall for the Guardian – “In Connecticut, a condo had lead in its drinking water at levels more than double… Continue Reading