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Category Archives: Knowledge Management

It’s the End of the Web as We Know It

The Atlantic [unpaywalled] – A great public resource is at risk of being destroyed. By Judith Donath and Bruce Schneier: “The web has become so interwoven with everyday life that it is easy to forget what an extraordinary accomplishment and treasure it is. In just a few decades, much of human knowledge has been collectively written… Continue Reading

How to delete your search history

Proton VPN: “Your search history is a window into your inner life. Anyone with access to it knows what your hobbies and interests are, your sexual orientation and preferences, the things that worry you (for example your medical concerns), your political affiliations, your financial situation, and much more.  In this article, we’ll explore why it’s… Continue Reading

It’s not just you: Reddit is taking over Google

Business Insider [no paywall]: If you think you’ve been seeing an awful lot more Reddit results lately when you search on Google, you’re not imagining things. The internet is in upheaval, and for website owners the rules of “winning” Google Search have never been murkier. Google’s generative AI search engine is coming from one direction.… Continue Reading

CENDI modernizes

To include updates on federal open science, public access, and scientific integrity efforts  – “CENDI, a volunteer membership organization of U.S. federal scientific and technical information (STI) managers, recently launched an updated version of its flagship STI federated search product, Key updates include a modernized look and feel, and centralized access to federal agency… Continue Reading

Follow Podcasts and Music feeds on the Fediverse

Podcast AP: “PodcastAP uses the API, the Mastodon API and a user’s subscription feeds imported via OPML to follow Podcast, Music and other feeds on the Fediverse. The feeds are bridged from the XML feed to the Podcast Index database to the Podcast Index Activity Pub bridge ( When a user logs in using… Continue Reading

OpenAI GPTs: Creating Your Own Custom AI Assistants

Open Culture: “Last fall, OpenAI started letting users create custom versions of ChatGPT–ones that would let people create AI assistants to complete tasks in their personal or professional lives. In the months that followed, some users created AI apps that could generate recipes and meals. Others developed GPTs to create logos for their businesses. You… Continue Reading

UK online safety regulator research to guide our online safety work

“Today we’re publishing our online safety research agenda, which sets out the areas of research that will help to inform and underpin our long-term work as the UK’s online safety regulator. As an evidence-based regulator, we use research and data to guide our activity across our various workstreams. This is no different for our online… Continue Reading