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Category Archives: Energy

The Best and Worst Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, and Facial Tissue Brands

NRDC: “Tissue paper production is taking a devastating toll on forests. NRDC’s newest Issue with Tissue report can help you find earth-friendly brands. Few people give much thought to how their toilet paper or other tissue products are made. So most of us probably don’t realize that the average American household uses more than 100 pounds… Continue Reading

Huge study from The Economist about car bloat in the US

The Economist [unpaywalled]: “…For all the safety features available in cars today to help them avoid crashes, the laws of physics are cruel. When two vehicles collide, it is usually the heavier one that prevails. This advantage has changed little over time. Thirty years ago when a passenger car crashed with a pickup truck or… Continue Reading

A bottle of water per email: the hidden environmental costs of using AI chatbots

Washington Post [unpaywalled]: AI bots generate a lot of heat, and keeping their computer servers running exacts a toll. Roughly a quarter of Americans have used ChatGPT since the chatbot’s 2022 release, according to the Pew Research Center — and every query exacts a cost. Chatbots use an immense amount of power to respond to… Continue Reading

These Household Brands Want to Redefine What Counts as “Recyclable”

ProPublica:”Most of the products in the typical kitchen use plastics that are virtually impossible to recycle. The film that acts as a lid on Dole Sunshine fruit bowls, the rings securing jars of McCormick dried herbs, the straws attached to Juicy Juice boxes, the bags that hold Cheez-Its and Cheerios — they’re all destined for… Continue Reading

On Slicks and Satellites: An Open Source Guide to Marine Oil Spill Detection

Bellingcat: “Almost every week, oil spills are reported somewhere in the world. From ships dumping contaminating ballast water or breaking down on coral reefs, to direct attacks on oil pipelines and tankers. The larger the spill, the bigger the media attention. This year alone, off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago, a Bellingcat investigation found… Continue Reading

The world is pumping out 57 million tons of plastic pollution a year

“A new study from the University shines a light on the enormous scale of uncollected rubbish and open burning of plastic waste in the first ever global plastics pollution inventory. Researchers used A.I. to model waste management in more than 50,000 municipalities around the world. This model allowed the team to predict how much waste… Continue Reading

Advanced Recycling: Does Big Plastic’s Idea Work?

CBS Reports – “As America grapples with an escalating plastic crisis, the city of Houston, ExxonMobil, and other partners announced a new program that promised to recycle nearly all of the city’s plastic waste. However, after two years, the program has yet to fully materialize. Critics argue that the evidence suggests it never will. And… Continue Reading

Google, Amazon and Meta are proposing changes to climate laws that would allow them to hide their actual emission numbers “By its own account, Amazon is a green business leader. The world’s most visited online marketplace and leading cloud services provider says it hit its 100 per cent renewable energy goal seven years ahead of a self-imposed target. But by another, Amazon is a heavy polluter, emitting much more climate-warming greenhouse gases through its… Continue Reading

Western Water Rights

Data is Plural: Western water rights. Matthew D. Lisk et al. have compiled and standardized a dataset of water rights records — key documents in the allocation of the scarce resource — in the Western United States. Drawing on raw data collected from 11 states, the harmonized dataset “provides consistent unique identifiers for each spatial… Continue Reading

Washing clothes with synthetic materials is the single greatest contributor to ocean microplastics

Washington Post – Sustainability experts say to avoid fabrics that blend natural and synthetic materials. [unpatwalled] “…Compared to 100% natural fibers or other biodegradable materials such as viscose, or rayon, which is made from a wood-like fiber, blended synthetic fabrics can be more durable and withstand more stress. They can also feel softer and smoother,… Continue Reading

Mainframes Find New Life in AI Era

WSJ via MSN:  “Banks, insurance providers and airlines still find uses, including artificial intelligence, for the large computers that have been around for decades The industrial-strength mainframe computer, invented decades ago for heavy-duty data processing, is proving its staying power even as next-generation artificial intelligence takes center stage. The two are interconnected: Banks, insurance providers… Continue Reading