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Category Archives: Energy

USGS Releases New Products that Map Four Decades of Land Cover Change

The U.S. Geological Survey today released a newly updated and improved National Land Cover Database, known as Annual NLCD, which offers insights into the changing characteristics of landscapes across the conterminous United States from 1985 to 2023. The latest dataset incorporates assessments and projections into six new products, which will now be released on an… Continue Reading

15 Best Amazon Alternatives For Ethical Online Shopping

goodgoodgood [June 2022] Amazon, the company that catapulted founder Jeff Bezos to billionaire status (and to the edge of space), has long been touted as environmentally unfriendly; the company emits the same level of carbon emissions as the country of Norway, according to a report released by Amazon in 2019. Its impact on the environment,… Continue Reading

Global water crisis leaves half of world food production at risk in next 25 years

The Guardian: More than half the world’s food production will be at risk of failure within the next 25 years as a rapidly accelerating water crisis grips the planet, unless urgent action is taken to conserve water resources and end the destruction of the ecosystems on which our fresh water depends, experts have warned in… Continue Reading

The Individualization of Responsibility – Masterclass in Deception

The Climate Historian: “…In the mid-20th century, as evidence mounted linking smoking to lung cancer, the tobacco industry didn’t just fight back—they mastered the art of deflection. Instead of outright denying the dangers, they funded research to stir doubt, muddying the scientific waters.In the 1950s, the Tobacco Institute launched its “health reassurance” campaigns. These campaigns… Continue Reading

Comics art against Project 2025

“Project 2025 is a detailed plan to shut you up, and shut you out. You matter, and you have a voice. Project 2025, also known as “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” is a document created to be a roadmap for a second Donald Trump presidency. It was prepared by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation and… Continue Reading

Stunning photos of a vast e-waste dumping ground and those who make a living off it

NPR – “…For years, a site called Agbogbloshie in Accra was one of the largest e-waste processing sites in Africa, getting 15,000 tons of discarded phones, computers and other used electronics each year. Many Western media outlets depicted the site as a public health and environmental tragedy, rife with toxic chemicals that leach into the… Continue Reading

Financial Institutions Net Zero Tracker

World Resources Institute: “Banks have made headlines in recent years for committing to reach “net-zero emissions” by 2050 and pledging to mobilize trillions of dollars in the fight against climate change. Indeed, banks will play an important role in halting global warming: Companies rely on them to help finance the zero- and low-carbon technologies and… Continue Reading

Plastic is embedded into every aspect of modern life

Beat Pollution – Plastic is embedded into every aspect of modern life, from what we wear, how we travel and what we eat. But where exactly is all this plastic coming from? Since the 1950s, 9.2 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced, of which 7 billion tonnes have become waste, filling up landfills and… Continue Reading

Google Flights now uses Amtrak data to show ‘trains to consider’ alongside flights

9to5Google: Google Flights has started showing “trains to consider” alongside flights in a new partnership with Amtrak. First announced earlier this year, Google Flights is offering train routes as an alternative to airlines. This functionality allows customers to find a more sustainable transportation option as well as perhaps finding something less expensive or closer to… Continue Reading

Explore Sea Level Change in the Coastal U.S.

View past, present, and future sea level rise and related flood impacts for the coastlines of the United States. Select a state and location or search by region. The Federal Government delivers essential science and services to help our nation understand and address the challenges that sea level rise poses for coastal communities. Through interagency… Continue Reading

Zillow introduces First Street’s comprehensive climate risk data on for-sale listings across the US

“Zillow® is introducing climate risk data, provided by First Street, the standard for climate risk financial modeling, on for-sale property listings across the U.S. Home shoppers will gain insights into five key risks—flood, wildfire, wind, heat and air quality—directly from listing pages, complete with risk scores, interactive maps and insurance requirements. With more than 80%… Continue Reading