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Category Archives: Energy

All the Biggest Environmental Risks Facing the World’s Biggest Cities

Bloomberg BusinessWeek – All the Biggest Environmental Risks Facing the World’s Biggest Cities – From landslides and extreme heat to insect infestations and airborne diseases, these are the most worrying hazards in urban areas with more than 1 million people…” Climate hazards include: extreme heat; forest fire; water scarcity and salt water intrusions; biological hazards; … Continue Reading

Congress Is Trying To Figure Out What To Do About Crypto’s Colossal Carbon Footprint

BuzzFeedNews: “For years, cryptocurrency has rivaled entire nations in terms of energy use, and US lawmakers are just now starting to investigate how crypto mining operations could be undermining global efforts to combat climate change. This question was the subject of a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing on Thursday that broadly examined the carbon… Continue Reading

Report – Solar on Superstores

“A report by Environment America Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group – Solar on Superstores Big roofs, big potential for renewable energy – Bryn Huxley-Reicher, Frontier Group; Wade Wilson and Ben Sonnega, Environment America Research & Policy Center. Solar energy is the fastest-growing form of electricity generation in the United States. America has 40 times… Continue Reading

Climate-Washing Litigation: Legal Liability for Misleading Climate Communications

Climate Social Science Network Research Report 2022:1: Climate-Washing Litigation Legal Liability for Misleading Climate Communications. January 13, 2022: “This research report aims to enhance the legal community’s understanding of climate-related ‘greenwashing’ litigation. The report analyses this type of litigation, which can also be described as ‘climate-washing’ litigation, by examining key cases and developments, particularly cases… Continue Reading

Energy Department to announce Clean Energy Corps, hire 1,000 staffers to work on climate change

Washington Post: “…“It’s truly a remarkable time to be at the Department of Energy as we set off to implement the historic $62 billion in clean energy investments from the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” said Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm. “The launch of our Clean Energy Corps is the latest definitive step along our path… Continue Reading

Manchin’s Coal Corruption Is So Much Worse Than You Knew

Rolling Stone – “The senator from West Virginia is bought and paid for by Big Coal. With his help the dying industry is pulling one final heist — and the entire planet may pay the price…Manchin’s public rationale that power companies are already transitioning away from fossil fuels as rapidly as possible is blatantly false:… Continue Reading

A law banning plastic packaging for some fruits and vegetables in France went into effect on Jan. 1

Why not in America? “Thirty types of fruits and vegetables – including cucumbers, carrots, apples, and bananas – will no longer be allowed to be wrapped in plastic, with only packages of over 1.5kg receiving exemptions. Chopped or processed fruits will also be exempted, and providers of some fruits, like raspberries or cherry tomatoes, will… Continue Reading

The Year in Cheer 192 ways the world got better in 2021

Reasons to Be Cheerful – This is a wonderful read not least because amidst the upheavals of life in the time of COVID, individuals and groups around the world have chosen, in a myriad of ways to create change in innovative and impactful ways that benefits the lives of millions around the world. A sustainable… Continue Reading

13 battery gigafactories coming to the US by 2025

electrek: “There are 13 new battery cell gigafactories coming online in the US by 2025, according to the Department of Energy. These factories are ushering in a new era of battery production in the US. Aside from Tesla and Panasonic’s Gigafactory Nevada, which supplies battery cells for the production of Tesla Model 3 and Model… Continue Reading

New NOAA tool pinpoints natural disaster risk down to county level

“NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has released an innovative mapping tool that provides county-level information on natural disaster hazards across the United States. This new feature provides significant enhancements to the state-level data on NOAA’s Billion-Dollar Disasters website. Developed by NCEI with data from NOAA, FEMA and academic institutions, this interactive NOAA mapping… Continue Reading

These 200 global companies have top-rated climate strategies

Quartz: “…In its latest summary of company disclosures, published Dec. 7, CDP reported that in 2021, about 13,000 companies globally disclosed some form of climate data and strategy. That group represents 64% of global market capitalization, according to CDP. But just 1.5% of those—200 companies—scored an A. The list, included in full below, includes companies… Continue Reading