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Category Archives: Energy

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022

“Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least able to cope are being hardest hit, said scientists in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts,… Continue Reading

Russian invasion’s impact on politics, policy, business and more

Politico Playbook: “Bruce Mehlman is out with a new deck on the Russian invasion’s impact on politics, policy, business and more…Bruce sees “minimal ‘rally around the commander-in-chief’” effect “given U.S. not attacked.” The potential upside for Biden, if he executes well, is that he’s seen as “strong Wartime Leader rallying West vs aggression,” like George… Continue Reading

Carbon bias in index selection

Cosemans, Mathijs and Schoenmaker, Dirk, Carbon Bias in Index Investing (January 23, 2022). Available at SSRN: or “This paper presents evidence of a bias towards carbon-intensive companies in popular value-weighted stock market indices that are tracked by index funds and ETFs and serve as benchmark for active equity strategies. The average carbon bias… Continue Reading

One Earth Film Festival Films A-Z

“One Earth Film Festival is the Midwest’s premier environmental film festival, creating opportunities for understanding climate change, sustainability and the power of people. It showcases top-issue, thought-provoking environmental films, leads audiences in interactive post-film discussions focused on solutions, and offers concrete actions people can take. One Earth Film Festival is a production of One Earth… Continue Reading

The Nature Conservancy releases map to help site renewables

PV Magazine: “With up to 75% of the nation’s large renewable energy projects expected to be developed in the central region of the US by 2050, the Site Renewables Right map, released today by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), is intended to help companies, state agencies, and communities quickly plan, permit, and purchase renewable energy in… Continue Reading

Drought in the United States: Science, Policy, and Selected Federal Authorities

CRS Report – Drought in the United States: Science, Policy, and Selected Federal Authorities, Updated February 8, 2022: “Drought―a deficiency of moisture that results in adverse effects―occurs to some extent almost every year in areas of the United States. Droughts can simultaneously reduce available water supplies and increase demands for water. Drought has the potential… Continue Reading

New study: “An environmental justice analysis of distribution-level natural gas leaks in Massachusetts, USA”

“A peer-reviewed paper by HEET Director Dominic Nicholas and Salem State University Professor Marcos Luna, was released last week in the journal Energy Policy. Read our update here and coverage by WBUR here. Marcos and Nicholas examined over 26,000 utility-reported leaks in relation to demographic groups. Their findings show that low-income and communities of color,… Continue Reading

Plastics production is skyrocketing. A new U.N. treaty effort could cap it.

Washington Post: “Negotiators from around the world will start work this month on a treaty to reduce plastic pollution, in what diplomats say is the most ambitious round of climate diplomacy since the 2015 Paris agreement that focuses on global warming. The discussions, which have the backing of the Biden administration, could reshape a world… Continue Reading

GIJN’s Guide to Investigating Methane – A Key to Fighting Climate Change

Global Investigative Journalism Network: “Journalism about methane sources is increasingly urgent. Reducing methane emissions is the single fastest way to fight climate change, according to climate scientists. Emissions of methane, the second most abundant greenhouse gas (behind carbon dioxide), are rising rapidly and reaching new highs. The full guide to investigating methane emissions can be found… Continue Reading

Gas stoves in kitchens pose a risk to public health and the planet, research finds

Washington Post: “Gas-burning stoves in kitchens across America may pose a greater risk to the planet and public health than previously thought, new research suggests. The appliances release far more of the potent planet-warming gas methane than the Environmental Protection Agency estimates, Stanford University scientists found in a study published Thursday in the journal Environmental… Continue Reading

Identity Theft Resource Center’s 2021 Annual Data Breach Report Sets New Record for Number of Compromises

“Today, the Identity Theft Resource Center® (ITRC), a nationally recognized nonprofit organization established to support victims of identity crime, will release its 16th Annual Data Breach Report, supported by Sontiq, a TransUnion company, at the Identity, Authentication, and the Road Ahead Policy Forum hosted by the Better Identity Coalition (BIC), FIDO Alliance and the ITRC. According… Continue Reading

Eurasia Group: Top Risks 2022

“Top Risks is Eurasia Group’s annual forecast of the political risks that are most likely to play out over the course of the year. This year’s report was published on 3 January 2022. As we enter 2022, the lack of global leadership that characterizes our G-Zero World is clearer than ever. That’s not a good… Continue Reading