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Category Archives: E-Records

Turn Off Gmail’s ‘Smart’ Features to Avoid Tracking

Lifehacker: “Google collects data on everything you do while using its products and services. Sometimes this data is sold to advertisers; sometimes it’s used to make it easier to use Google’s products. For example, Google uses data from Gmail, Chat, and Meet to make the entire Google user experience more convenient, like how it’ll learn… Continue Reading

Federal Regulators Increase Focus on Patient Risks From Electronic Health Records

Pew -“As part of a federal program to routinely publish data on the capabilities of electronic health record (EHR) systems, the government recently finalized a component that will help collect information from doctors, nurses, and other clinicians about the effects of these technologies on patient safety. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information… Continue Reading

How Do Presidential Transitions Normally Work?

LifeHacker: “The White House has seen a peaceful transitions of power between outgoing and incoming presidential administrations throughout history, regardless of any volatility gripping the nation. Passing the baton of executive power to a new presidential administration has been a hallmark of this country’s democracy; the White House is where presidential tenants temporarily reside, not… Continue Reading

The machinery of American democracy is working

The New York Times – “This article is part of Democracy by Mail, a series following the absentee-ballot process from printing to mailing to counting: “…But for the most part, mail-in balloting — and balloting at the polls, too — went smoothly and revealed two competing truths: The machinery of American democracy is working, its… Continue Reading

Biden may have trouble unearthing Trump’s national security secrets

Politico: “From tearing up documents and hiding transcripts of calls with foreign leaders to using encrypted messaging apps and personal email accounts for government business, the Trump White House’s skirting of records preservation rules could limit the incoming Biden administration’s visibility into highly sensitive foreign policy and national security secrets….The Presidential Records Act, which requires… Continue Reading

Am I wasting my time organizing email?

Am I wasting my time organizing email? A study of email refinding. Steve Whittaker, Tara Matthews, Julian Cerruti, Hernan Badenes, John Tang IBM Research – Almaden San Jose, California, USA – “We all spend time every day looking for information in our email, yet we know little about this refinding process. Some users expend considerable… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, November 7, 2020

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, November 7, 2020 . Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

Biden-Harris Transition Official Website Launched

Biden-Harris Transition – “The American people will determine who will serve as the next President of the United States. Votes are still being counted in several states around the country. The crises facing the country are severe — from a pandemic to an economic recession, climate change to racial injustice — and the transition team… Continue Reading

What it’s like to get locked out of Google indefinitely

Business Insider – “Entrusting your data to big tech platforms can be highly risky. Users who have been banned by Google for supposedly violating its terms of service have been left without access to key parts of their lives. Many have appealed the suspensions but have received automated responses. They don’t know why they’ve been… Continue Reading

Internal Documents Reveal COVID-19 Hospitalization Data The Government Keeps Hidden

NPR: “As coronavirus cases rise swiftly around the country, surpassing both the spring and summer surges, health officials brace for a coming wave of hospitalizations and deaths. Knowing which hospitals in which communities are reaching capacity could be key to an effective response to the growing crisis. That information is gathered by the federal government… Continue Reading

How politicians target you: 3,000 data points on every voter, including your phone number

Washington Post – “Our quest to find what politicians know about voters uncovered data troves with intimate information about income, debt, family, religion, gun ownership and a whole lot more…I’ve been on a crusade to find out what politicians know about me. So over the past few months, I’ve used California’s new data privacy law… Continue Reading

Apple, Google and a Deal That Controls the Internet

The New York Times – In a landmark antitrust complaint, the Justice Department is targeting a secretive partnership that is worth billions of dollars to both companies. “…Last Tuesday, the Justice Department filed a landmark lawsuit against Google — the U.S. government’s biggest antitrust case in two decades — and homed in on the alliance… Continue Reading